Short Bites???

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The last month it seems like we've been having REALLY short bites. Yesterday we were out for four hours (not around slack due to time constraints) and we caught five fish in under 15 minutes in the middle of a pretty big tide change. The last three trips out before that have been the same way with all fish coming in in VERY short windows. I've started just landing the fish and getting the gear down again fast then tidying up after the bites over as they seem to be so short. Haven't really noticed this in previous years. Anyone fishing Georgia seen shorter bites this year?

Last two trips out started picking up Fraser fish with the yellow dye spot so must be getting a few new fish moving into the area. Anyone else been picking up Frasers on the inside str8 and if so in what numbers compared to others? Last summer we were getting mostly Fraser fish, hoping for the same again this summer they were nice and chubby :)
It is a winter spring thing. We find that out to Grants and Rebecca Coho etc you will get very tight windows with lots of bites and then it dies out. But somehow even knowing this does not seem to stop us sticking around and trying for more.