Shark shocker!

Not sure on the species of that shark..but it looks thick and bulky, dark back white stomach....I'm guessing its a Bull Shark. They are known to travel salt to fresh. They have been documented to give birth in fresh water where there young will live at times, their whole life. They've been tracked as far in as 2200 miles inland and there have even been sightings in Lake Michigan on the US side. Can grow up to 10' in freshwater and salt water. A nasty shark to boot, its been known to try and take down horses and water buffalo. for a brief synopsis,

or watch S01E07 of River Monsters for all the sharky is a pretty damn interesting shark, as they all are.

Probably would have shart my pants if that was me holding the rod. Once had a very large sea lion try to poach a cod as I brought it next to the boat....out of nowhere, a very 'whoa!' moment.

Cool video..
At Kyuquot on Saturday we were about to drop the lines for halibut and one of our guys had a couple of herring on a hook dangling over the side and a 6 foot salmon shark grabbed his herring and just about ripped the rod right outta his hands. Unfortunately after a few frantic moments (about 30 seconds of holy fawwwk!!!!!) the shark did not get hooked, let go and swam away. A very exciting 30 seconds none the less.