Shark Hook or Very Large Hook/hali

Shark hooks are great! splice them to a carabiner that you can quickly attach to a buoy and let them battle that for a while before you bring them on board! Also good for Halis that are close to the slot, very little damage, and easy to release.
Haha that would be a rough ride.

What size buoy do you need/recommend to keep a 70ish pound fish from going under? 12-15" ball about right?
Bigger diameter than I Guessed. I do art welding, etc. for a hobby. Retired, so time is not as expensive.
15' or more should do you well. If you attach the buoy close to the hook and have a say, 10 feet of extra rope to attach to the gunnel, or just to hang on to, you should be fine. But... be prepared for a shower if you hang on! hahah