Well-Known Member
On my boat I used to have a very large hook that had a 4 to 6 inch gap that was 10 or 12 inches long. I used this for landing large hali apposed to using a harpoon. Any fish that was larger than 40 or 50 lbs I would use the shark hook. I had 10 feet of 1/4" poly line on it and when all you did was tie the end of this off and bring the fish up and lean over the gunnel and put this large hook in the mouth of the hali with one swift jab. I never lost one like this. Once you had that hook in you had em.
Some how I seem to have misplaced my hali hook that I got in a store in Courtenay that no longer is open down town. Does any one know where to get one of these huge hooks. Would the use of this hook be good for releasing if it was put in the lower jaw away from any gill structure of course? I'm not a fan of the harpoon.
Thanks for your help.
Some how I seem to have misplaced my hali hook that I got in a store in Courtenay that no longer is open down town. Does any one know where to get one of these huge hooks. Would the use of this hook be good for releasing if it was put in the lower jaw away from any gill structure of course? I'm not a fan of the harpoon.
Thanks for your help.