Shane Mahoney


Well-Known Member
Shane Mahoney will be the keynote speaker at an upcoming conference held at the VIU.
The Protection & Conservation of Wildlife & Wildlife Species is the topic.
Should be VERY Interesting & Enlightening!


See you there!!

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I dunno Matt, he looks like he might be one of those "know-it-alls", with a resume like that. :D:D


Sounds like he'd be very interesting to hear and I regret I won't be there.

Take care.
I still think he'd be interesting to hear.

Take care.
Dam wish I was there also. Some of his writings, thaughts reflect how I feel, his monthly for Sports Afield magazine are excelent reads. Very knowlable and for hunting.

I still think he'd be interesting to hear.

Shane is one of the world's foremost experts regarding Conservation and Sustainable Use.
He's very eloquent, and REALLY knows his stuff. Comes from years of on-the-ground hands-on experience.
Met him years ago when I was involved with CITES, and developed a healthy respect for both the Man and his Beliefs.

I think you would indeed find what he has to say Most Interesting Dave, as certainly anyone with an interest in conservation would.

You Take Care Too Buddy!

Watching & Listening to this insightful, interesting & Powerful Speaker was fantastic!
He really knows how to keep the crowd focused and on track.
Shane's message is as powerful as his speaking, and literally had me on the edge of my seat for much of it's delivery.

Well Worth the wander down to take it in!
