SFAB - Victoria Committee meeting

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Tuesday October 30 / 07 at 7:00
Esquimalt Anglers Clubhouse at their boat ramp
1101 Munro St
Esquimalt BC

Post season review - salmon, halibut, lingcod & rockfish
Commercial Pilchard fishing
Halibut Allocation
Modeled Creel Data credibility
LGS Chinook
Commercial Crab Reform
Pink Salmon Net Pen Project
Southern SoG NMCA update
Hatchery Reports - Goldstream, Sooke, Cowichan
Enforcement report incl. Swiftsure Bank

If you are interested or concerned about recreational fishing in the Victoria area, you may want to attend.
I'm gonna try and check this out. I have another commitment but I'm gonna try and play hooky.

I'm very interested in this pink Salmon net pen project most of all. Would be cool to have a pink slamon beach fishery here in Vic. I've heard rumours of one being put in at the breakwater near where the pilot boats are.
I am in Nanaimo - and go to our local meeting...it would be good for you to participate.

RVP. ;)
Yes, anyone can attend, it's an open forum for public input into DFO policies regarding recreational fishing.