Updated with Agenda: Mar. 8/23 Victoria & Area SFAB Mtg.

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Forwarding on behalf of Chris Bos. Here is an opportunity to provide your input and find out what is happening in Areas 19-20 for 2023/24.

The next Victoria and Area SFAB Committee meeting will be held in-person and tentatively with online virtual capability at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 8, 2023. Esquimalt Anglers Clubhouse, 1101 Munro Street, Victoria (At the foot of Lampson Street in Esquimalt) is the venue for the in-person component and the link to the virtual meeting will be made available to those interested.

If you cannot attend in-person and are interested to attend the meeting virtually, please let me know by email and I will send you the MS Teams log in information.

Draft agenda to follow. If you have any specific topics to add to the agenda please let me now asap.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Christopher Bos
Victoria and Area SFAB Committee Chair
Ph: (778) 967-2363
Email: chris@anglerscoalition.com
Subject: Victoria and Area SFAB Committee Meeting - Wednesday March 8th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. - Agenda included

The next Victoria and Area SFAB Committee meeting will be held in-person and with online virtual capability at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 8, 2023. Esquimalt Anglers Clubhouse, 1101 Munro Street, Victoria (At the foot of Lampson Street in Esquimalt) is the venue for the in-person component and the link to the virtual meeting will be made available to those interested.

WHO CAN ATTEND - This SFAB meeting is open to the public and we encourage any local anglers interested to learn more about our local fisheries and how they are managed to come out and join us.

FISHING CLUBS: we welcome you inviting your members to attend the SFAB meetings too. Please feel free to distribute our invitation to your membership.

VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE: If you cannot attend in-person and are interested to attend the meeting virtually, please let me know by email chris@anglerscoalition.com and I will send you the MS Teams log in information.

- 2022 Preliminary Southern BC Chinook and Coho Escapement Report
- 2023 MM and MSF and proposed new pilot opportunities – status update
- 2023 SRKW Proposed Measures (Active Pass, 20-1 Juan de Fuca Strait and oversized area 20-5 closures)
- Halibut update – what measures for April 1st 2023
- SFAB Modernization – TOR status - update
- SFAC Business (realignment – membership – who can vote – code of conduct)
- Discussion - Seeking anglers help getting heads turned in on hatchery fish and SRKW avoidance compliance
- DFO regional update

I look forward to seeing you there tomorrow.
Christopher Bos
Victoria and Area SFAB Committee Chair
Ph: (778) 967-2363
Email: chris@anglerscoalition.com
Great agenda power packed with really great info and issues that are important to all tidal water anglers - nice work!