Rivers Trip - photolog

Finished Business

Well-Known Member
We made our annual journey up to the land of giants, Rivers Inlet recently. I could go on and on, but figured a few photos from the trip would say enough. The first few are shots of my biggest fish to date, an honest 40 lber, with an interesting story to go with. In short, the fish put up a great fight, but not as good as expected...once landed we found the reason why. It must be noted that barbed hooks are a serious no-no (as in any waters for salmon) but here, they keep very close tabs on everyone's gear. The fish I landed on the other hand, had a massive hook, I figure a 10/0 at least, with a very large barb stuck just infront of its pectoral fin. The wound was fresh, we figured 24 hours give or take a half day. It was clearly a snagged fish, and after talking with the local Good Hope guys, found out the fish run a small section of River, into a large lake, and back into the ocean. The fish was more than likely snagged in the river, making this journey within a day. It made for a sad, but interesting story.
Here's some shots of the beast, and its foul Hook. Followed by some other shots I snapped as the long (as many as 14 hour days) passed by. The action was slow but rewarding. Some days we were skunked, others, we were very lucky to hook into a few fish. Over the 5 day period, averaging 12hour per day, we hooked 9 fish, landed 4. 22lb, 35, 37, and 40lbs.

As a huge bonus, the fish I landed was a hatchery fish. I look very forward to recieving the information from that head. Enjoy the shots....the last picture is over the biggest fish caught during our stay, 64 lbs.












Great shots. Who is having more fun, the guys in the $350,000 Ocean Roamer or the guys in the $2000 Lund?
Right on Nick! It was worth the wait lol. Great pic's. I liked that Oceansport / lund comparision. Congrats on that biggie. Although it sucks for the fish that it was snagged previously it adds to the already great story:cool:.
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I like seeing the range of water craft in the water - pontoons, tinnies and those out of reach for most of us! The slab cut up in steaks is also cool. Thanks for that!
Thanks for taking the time guys to check them out the shots guys.
Lorne, we make the haul in my buddies rig. Hense the pictures of only others catching fish. When that rod tanks, theres no time to grab cameras unless you are 4 or more on board. lol

The little pontoon (who was part of the american crew we fished with) hammered a 30 and 40lb fish off that rig. One of which towed him about a half mile out for some 1.5 to 2 hours. Pretty awesome to see...would have had some GREAT shots of that fight, but he caught it in thick fog and my camera couldn't get a handle on the shot.
The range of boats was pretty impressive. Everything from the pontoon and tinny, up to a frickin sweet cutwater boat we estimated to be in the 300+k range...that boat didn't catch a lot of fish though, using there bow thruster, its pretty noisy and I think cut down their chances. Some pretty incredible yachts pulled into Dawsons...truly living the life.







Veddy Veddy nice :cool:
Great pic's and thread FB. More pic's please!!!!

haha! John, I'll just run a disc and mail it to you! 20 is enough for one thread haha

i took over 300 :) but kick myself in the crotch I forgot to clear GoPro memory space and only got footage to the dock on our first day before the memory card was full. Still kicking myself over that one!!
Great shots. Who is having more fun, the guys in the $350,000 Ocean Roamer or the guys in the $2000 Lund?
What about the guy in the $500 pontoon boat, towed out by a big spring! Now that is a story to share. Very cool. I love the water. Dont see that on the WCVI. ;-)
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