River Rafting Fishing Trip - River Suggestions


New Member
Howdy everyone,

I'm looking for some suggestions to throw into the hat for a raft fishing trip through the first weeks of September.

Me and a buddy have about a ten day period to fish and will be packing our water master kodiak rafts with us.

We've got a few rivers in mind that would be great to explore, fish and camp our way through but I figured I'd throw this out for more suggestions/insight to ensure we don't miss out other great opportunities.

Tight lines!
Morice River west of Houston. Put in at Morice Lake and pull out at Houston, or continue on the Bulkley toward Smithers. First half of Sept has a potential overlap of late coho onto early steelhead.

Also a couple of good forest rec sites on the river that could be used as a base for day drifts above or below camp. Morice FSR parallels the river for much of its length, several pull out/put in possibilities.
I’m on my way to go do a 6 day raft trip up in Alaska but it’s an April/May show…..sly K’s recommendation above is a good one for September. Another option would be the Dean. By September a lot of the pressure will be off the river but still lots of fish. There are some Class III /Class IV stuff so if it were me, I’d pack accordingly and absolutely bring a spare oar + patch kit etc. You never know….

Heli prices are sky high now but the Dean would be worth bellying up to the bar for….gorgeous country, gorgeous fish…but definitely research the fire situation. The year I went they had shut the upper river down due to fire hazard. Where I was…it was like smoking a pack of cigs each day if the wind wasn’t cooperating….

WEst Coast Heli in Hagensborg will have all the info you need as far as the best launch/pick up sites for what you’re trying to do

