Report on Sooke

Knotty Seamen

Active Member
Just wanted to start a post of how guys have been doing out in sooke for salmon. I went out on sat the 28th and it was slow not many boats netting. Any reports.
I am also hoping for a Sooke report as we are headed there on Sunday for a little salmon fishing. If anyone has had some success-in close or out by the shipping lanes? spoons or chovies? How long of leaders? Thanks in advance!!
I am also hoping for a Sooke report as we are headed there on Sunday for a little salmon fishing. If anyone has had some success-in close or out by the shipping lanes? spoons or chovies? How long of leaders? Thanks in advance!!
Hope in the boat, head north about 600 miles til ya hit a group of islands named queen something... 10 pulls.. blamooooo!!! On a serious note though, I just talked to one of the boys up that way and on his first outing of the year, he hooked 22 springs! Makes it even harder to float arout Beachy after hearing that.
Hope in the boat, head north about 600 miles til ya hit a group of islands named queen something... 10 pulls.. blamooooo!!! On a serious note though, I just talked to one of the boys up that way and on his first outing of the year, he hooked 22 springs! Makes it even harder to float arout Beachy after hearing that.
There are a few fish showing up but it's pretty slow considering the boats out on Saterday. You could walk from Beachy Head to Secretary from one to another. Yanks everywhere too? Choves, Sardines and herring seemed predominent on the fish that were taken. Charlottes would be nice !!!
There are a few fish showing up but it's pretty slow considering the boats out on Saterday. You could walk from Beachy Head to Secretary from one to another. Yanks everywhere too? Choves, Sardines and herring seemed predominent on the fish that were taken. Charlottes would be nice !!!
Do Do Do's been smokin'em with the big boys at QCL. Can't wait to get out with him in mid July. Might even tangle with the MIDGE!!

Pass the Pack
Do Do Do's been smokin'em with the big boys at QCL. Can't wait to get out with him in mid July. Might even tangle with the MIDGE!!

Pass the Pack
Hi guys all i can say is sooke is a bit slow talked to some of the other guides and one got 2 today 1 was taken by a seal he said he didnt see much around being caught.but it is also the very first day of the big flood tides halibut is over for another year ,last trip was yesterday and the DOGFISH are in so if you want to fish halis take lots of bait, i bet i got close to 25 of the pesty buggers.

ill be out starting on sat. for 4 days in a row of salmon fishing so I will have a better report for you all

Good luck Wolf
Hi guys all i can say is sooke is a bit slow talked to some of the other guides and one got 2 today 1 was taken by a seal he said he didnt see much around being caught.but it is also the very first day of the big flood tides halibut is over for another year ,last trip was yesterday and the DOGFISH are in so if you want to fish halis take lots of bait, i bet i got close to 25 of the pesty buggers.

ill be out starting on sat. for 4 days in a row of salmon fishing so I will have a better report for you all

Good luck Wolf
I Did a Hali Charter yesterday and found the same herd of dogfish as far as one can see, Tied and retied and then went to wire and hootchies. They are everywhere. I have seen springs under 15 lbs come in, but nothing too big yet. Vinny, coffee's on !!!