Crew Member
Sorry Lip, what I ment was we lost with getting a slot size. Bad wording on my part.No.. We kinda won didn't we? It is 15% now.
Sorry Lip, what I ment was we lost with getting a slot size. Bad wording on my part.No.. We kinda won didn't we? It is 15% now.
There is a 1/1 because every person that goes out on a charter or comes out for their 1 week holiday could kill 6 halibut in one shot if you could kill all 6 any time. I am sure there were lots of people that got their 6 halibut but many many more got only some or none. Pretty sure the TAC would get used up fast is everyone could go kill their 6 whenever. For everyone that lives far from the ocean, complains about how far it is to come to fish and how it costs soo much $$ well that's your choice to live where you do, maybe we should all just move to Victoria? Last time I checked this was sport fishing and we don't do it for the meat we do it for fun even though it is great to have some high quality meat in the freezer.
There is a 1/1 because every person that goes out on a charter or comes out for their 1 week holiday could kill 6 halibut in one shot if you could kill all 6 any time. I am sure there were lots of people that got their 6 halibut but many many more got only some or none. Pretty sure the TAC would get used up fast is everyone could go kill their 6 whenever. For everyone that lives far from the ocean, complains about how far it is to come to fish and how it costs soo much $$ well that's your choice to live where you do, maybe we should all just move to Victoria? Last time I checked this was sport fishing and we don't do it for the meat we do it for fun even though it is great to have some high quality meat in the freezer.
this is non profit thread .......... Stick to other one. May not like what you see as so far most rec non profit rather 1/1 than 60 rule...rec non profit anglers are majority too btw
And in 2010-2012 the rec sector was over TAC (see the other thread).Wholly **** TF!
We did not use up our TAC given to us this year!
We were 250 000 lbs under our allowance. We need less restrictive rules to use up our TAC. Cant possibly argue we need more when we left 250 000 lbs swimming around and only 25 000 lbs can be carried over.
All the modelling etc. by DFO provided to be 25% off.
Most of my clients are from the lower mainland and the Okanagan/Alberta and of my guide buddy's come on multiple day trips, FD so 1/1 doesn't work for them