Post Season SFI Log Book Meeting

x2 on annual 10 hali limit. I also agree that the recreational fleet has to be stepping up to be more accountable to accurately record our catch. Time for us to put up or shut up.
i dont believe anyone in my circle kept 10 this season , and i know a few !! , could of easilly , if they wanted to , I personally kept 4 nice mediums , just finished the last of it this week ,
how much do you need , if someone kept 50 , there either bartering with them , or giving them away , Why bother ??

If meaning coming to an agreement with the powers with-in , meant a full season for all sporty's , sign me up , 10 is generous , i would want a long term agreement though !! I guarantee all my friends would sign up too,

remember , this is NOT a Conservation issue , its all a BS Allocation !!!

I'm not suggesting 10 annually for conservation reasons, just common sense. It also makes it harder for the illegal sellers of sport caught fish to do if without risk of getting caught.
My understanding is the log books will be easier this coming season as they are working to perfect the app for your I Phone. No reason why we shouldn't be supporting this program once it is ready to roll out.
I agree, not well publicized. Surprising that those who participated and supported the log book program were never contacted. Looks to me like someone at DFO didn't bother to value the input of those they signed up for the program to even maintain a simple e-mail list to keep the communication going. Exactly why DFO is having difficulty getting this going. The other problem is the Guide Industry hasn't been particularly good at establishing Associations to help improve or make easier communication between DFO and the guides. Points to need for both parties to get better organized.
Could be/Might be, they didn't want anyone to show up that could actually quantify what the logs showed them???
I received the reminder about the meeting on the 5th. The original announcement email was far enough back that it has been deleted from my in files.
I didn,t receive a notice of this meeting either and i handed in my log book as well ,Rollie if you were in such the know why didn,t you make annoucement on the forum,i know alot of the guides that pertisapated and nobody said anything about setting up a meeting,do you know who got this meeting or called for it,i think we are all sadly mistaking if you think the data from 21 guides is going to change anything in this area! I think we all know whats been creating this problem for this area and of all people you Rollie know this the Fns on the Fraser want to control this area and from what we are seeing do,Dfo is a mediator in all this just doing what they can to keep the peace,area 19-20 has the largest body of anglers on the coast hence the only area that there is this problem slash log book program for guides,we have been seeing this for years the data collected doesnt always reflect on what we can and cant do.That said there has to be better info gathering not just guides, 21 people doesnt cut it !!
I assumed that the email went to everyone else. I looked at it on my Blackberry and didn't pay notice to the cc's. The FN issue is political BS I know that. The log books were set up in 19/20 at Chris Bos's request to give another set of figures to check & balance the perceived high numbers of Chinook allocated to us by way of the creel surveys. BTW there were 80 log books kept in Campbell River, 40 people showed up for their meeting the night before ours. There were also 7 lodges in the north also keeping logs.
I'm wondering if you (Steve) and Kelly didn't get the email because your log books are Renni info? This was 19/20 only data. West to Sheringham Pt only. I'm assuming the 21 log books were guides fishing those areas. Lisa did say she identified 50 operators working 19/20 and 21 agreed to keep logs. Maybe that clarifies it.
Well i didn't receive any notice here ,hard to rant on people if you don't have all the facts ,80 log books,does that mean they went to 80 guides? That 's sure better then the 21 you talk about for here considering we have the largest body of fisherman if this wasnt all guides why havent they made an effort to get these log books out to the average sport fisherman there certainly enough interest at these meetings
Steve, don't want to make this a bash fest. But if you came to all or most of the SFAB meetings you would know that the average guy wasn't asked because they are apart of the creel survey already. The log book in 19/20 is STRICKLY another check and balance to compare Chinook catch averages against the creel numbers. (the local SFAB challenged the dept about them looking on the high side in 2009 I believe) They wanted reliable data from so called expert fishermen to compare with. BTW I didn't mention any names in my rant. You work mostly outside of area 19/20 so your not included anyway. Also this log book program is strictly volunteer so they can't force the others to keep them. You were one of those who signed on, so all is good in my mind.
Sorry Rollie 3 young children can't always be there ,so then they used 80 guides in Campbell river then.Its no the point Rollie dont point fingers until you know all the facts, thats what iam saying ,you start doing that and your winning lots of friends you get your group of followers and they start to rant and so on ,lets approach these things a little different then on a open forum you know what i mean and as far as working outside of 19-20 last time i checked Renfrew is area 20 and they have asked us to continue filling are logs for that sub area as well,iam not bashing here either but from the looks of this thread i would be blind to think that your not
Being the only guy to show up at this meeting I felt embarrassed, awkward and feeling like a prick. Even though I had no reason to. I'm sure I earned a bit of respect from the people I got a chance to chat with there. It still didn't help at the time how I felt. If someone read my rant who "should" have been there: ie, new about it, got the emails....but decided not to bother, then I hope you now feel as bad as I did that night. THAT is all it is about. For those of you who wanted to come and would have made the meeting but didn't get any notification, I would call Lisa and ask for an apology from her.
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Steve you are area 20 but the Chinook numbers from Renfrew were never questioned, just to Sheringham.
I never got an e-mail either as I usually get all of them?
And like Steve said they dont give a Rats a$$ about us form all the meetings and countess phone conversations with both DFO and others ive had it with them they use voodoo match and still slam us 2 years a go we "apperantlly" took 1.2% of the ETF salmon FN took 18.9% and we as a sportfishing community are to blame Cmon man lay the blame where it should be intended.
They have lied to us time and time agin and will continue to .
So if we did give them all the data that they wanted do you think they would open it again???
FRAID NOT they wont stand up to FN and we all know it...

But will say kudos for you for going.

I know the politics of this game. As I told the DFO guys that night I put more value on the fish than my own business. I will step aside and do something else if there is a genuine reason to do so. However when politics get in the way and bad decisions are made because of it I will be there to fight for both my rights and the fishes. Meetings are meetings, boring most of the time...but I've been involved in productive ones too. Like the ones where we had the say in defining the boundaries of the local Rock Fish conservation areas. DFO adopted our recommendations almost to a tee. I went to countless MONTHLY meetings (from 2001 to 2010) for the JDF Salmon Restoration Society where not much happened. Lots of ideas, planning and then disappointments. Then in a matter of a year and a half we have a restored section of Charters River, an Interpretive Centre and a hatchery. A reward that made it all worth while. BTW the email is from SFI not DFO as they are the ones sponsoring the log book program in our area.
guess i read the thread to fast at first , i was just assuming that this was data for Halibut catches, My Bad ,
its usually center of attention this time of year , but , everything i said still stands ; i would like to see a full on data recording season by ALL USERS ,made pubic in a years time... once again ,another season low for Halibut retention at my dock !! yet another early closure....
