July 19, 2024MID JULY WITH EXCELLENT FISHING TO BE ENJOYED ALL ALONG THE BC COAST!Abundance of Chinook and Coho in coastal waters, particularly in the southern areas, continues to be notable with excellent fishing wherever you may choose to go. Marked and unmarked Coho and Chinook are particularly plentiful in Georgia Strait and Juan De Fuca. This bodes well for strong returns of mature fish later in the year and is potentially an indication that good ocean conditions persist in inside as well as outside waters.Chinook catches in the southern Mark Selective Fisheries (MSF), the precautionary and highly sustainable opportunities to retain hatchery Chinook, have been monitored closely through Reference Fisheries (RFs). These RFs occur wherever MSF opportunities have been implemented to confirm that each MSF area is suitable by assessing mark rates, stock composition and size of Chinook encountered. While there are strong numbers being reported for many Chinook and Coho stocks with opportunity and access gradually being reinstated or considered every year as a result, the recently released Northern and Southern Integrated Fishery Management Plans (IFMP) maintains the status quo from 2023 in practically all areas. This is particularly disappointing for residents of southern Vancouver Island keen to get out and participate in a sustainable local harvest for what are now highly abundant Cowichan River Chinook. Cowichan Chinook returns continue to be at historically high levels, a recovery results achieved through collaboration across all sectors, yet restrictions on access and opportunity to those stocks in the local area for recreational anglers have not been eased. Across BC wherever it is found that a stock is consistently, and in this case significantly, above its escapement than both near terminal and, often, in river access is provided to the public fishery. Inexplicably recreational Chinook restrictions on and near the Cowichan continue to be imposed. We urge DFO to address this management inconsitency and allow public fishery access to a well recovered Chinook stock and sustainable opportunity as soon as possible. BEST RELEASE PRACTICES In recognition of the high abundance of salmon and circumstances that may require you to release any species of salmon, best practices for release should be adopted and used at all times. Handle fish as little as possible and release fish at the water line whenever practical. Use a single barbless hooks with a gap less than 15mm, 3/0 octopus hooks as example, avoid small fish, and use a gaff release rather than a landing net. Visit Releasethemright.ca for more information. FISHING BC APP While many have already acquired a 24/25 tidal waters fishing licence online you may not have linked it to your Fishing BC app. This is a simple two step process that will let you keep a permananent record, year to year, of any of your catch, and to legally record mandatory catch records to your licence. Get your DFO licence here: Learn about and apply for a recreational fishing licence. With your licence acquired link it to the FBC app to hold and display your tidal waters licence. Linking your licence to the app is easy, follow the prompts in the app or refer to this one-page licence link guide. WATCH OUT FOR WHALES 2024 Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) and whale regulations have all been announced or triggered, if you are out on the water and in the southern coast particularly, please take care, know what you need to do, where you cannot fish, or be while in proximity to SRKWs, Killer Whales or other whales. Whales may come near or towards you while fishing but do your best to leave an avoidance zone around them, a minimum of 400m, reduce or eliminate noise, move away from whales as they pass or forage, and avoid getting in front of them. SAVE THE DATE - 2024 POLICY CONFERENCE AND BIG SPLASH GALA On November 29th the SFI will hold its annual Policy Conference at the Vancouver Convention Centre, this year's theme is Selective and Sustainable. We are looking forward to this highly anticipated forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing industry can meet, share their perspectives on the issues facing the recreational fishery and discuss expectations for the coming seasons. As we did last year, we will be providing the Pacific Salmon Foundation a portion of the day to share details about programs and projects that are funded by revenues generated from sales of the Salmon Conservation stamp on your tidal waters licence. Following the Conference, also at the Vancouver Convention Centre, join us at the Big Splash Gala and Fundraiser. Plan to be there on November 29th for a fun, social evening to reconnect with friends and colleagues, a great meal and a chance to bid on and win a variety of excellent items. Much more information to come on each event, ticket sales will begin in September. Have a great weekend on the water! Until next time, tight lines! The SFI Team |
September 23, 2024THE BC ELECTIONThere are many issues competing for the attention of voters and candidates in the upcoming election but please do not let that stop you from asking fish and fishery questions important to you during the coming weeks. It is more important than ever to know the views of and commitment to BC salmon, fish and fisheries by your candidates and the parties vying for your vote.Try to understand where candidates stand or let them know that sustainable access and opportunity for the public fishery is critical to you and the businesses and communities around you. Steps to support and participate in activities that will aid in the recovery of salmon stocks should be emphasized as work and objectives for our Provincial government. Seek a clear message of support and encouragement for British Columbians to participate in a sustainable public fishery. This activity is a great way to reconnect with our spectacular marine environment and to bring visitors and economic activity to all corners of the province and coast. While many salmon issues are managed federally, raising awareness, and seeking support for actions that will benefit salmon and British Columbians is a role the Provincial Government should continue to play. As an example of beneficial activities that require continued support, Mark Selective Fisheries (MSF) must play a role in contributing to recovery of Chinook that require attention and to provide more predictable and sustainable opportunity for fisheries along the coast. Anglers can fish selectively. Before removing a fish from the water, it can easily be determined if a Chinook is hatchery marked, produced for harvest in a government or volunteer hatchery system, or wild, therefore potentially from a stock of concern. Canada produces over 40 million hatchery Chinook every year and in Washington State the number is more than 160 million. These hatchery produced Chinook salmon are intended to provide fisheries all along our coast and river systems. Currently, Canada only marks approximately 10% of its hatchery production. When circumstances require it, a fishery that retains only marked Chinook while releasing all wild Chinook protects stocks of concern. Marking 100% of the fish Canada already produces would properly identify the abundance of hatchery fish and provide a significant increase in harvest opportunity in many areas of the coast. This is particularly the case in areas hit hard by Chinook restrictions in southern waters that have been in place since 2019 and despite significant abundance of hatchery and some runs of wild stocks. While these are decisions made by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), it is warranted and important that BC MLAs understand what can be done to improve prospects for wild salmon and economic opportunities for small businesses and communities along the coast that flow from salmon fisheries. Informing and encouraging your local candidates to seek commitments from DFO to continued and collaborative work with the Province on habitat protection and strategic enhancement to rebuild troubled stocks will help fish and the fisheries that depend upon them. Once again, make candidates understand that the public fishery is important to you and your community. Ask what they know about Mark Selective Fisheries, recovery plans for salmon and other fishery questions too. Make sure candidates understand that fish and fisheries are important to the voters, communities, and the economy of BC. SFI BIG SPLASH AND CONFERENCE - NOVEMBER 29, 2024 The SFI Policy Conference returns to the Vancouver Convention Centre, this year's theme is Selective and Sustainable. We look forward to this forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing community can meet, share their perspectives on the issues facing the recreational fishery and discuss expectations for the coming seasons. The Pacific Salmon Foundation will take a portion of the day to share details about programs and projects that are funded by revenues generated from sales of the Salmon Conservation stamp on your tidal waters licence. Following the Conference join us at the Big Splash Gala and Fundraiser. Plan to be there on November 29th for a fun evening to reconnect with friends and colleagues, a great meal, and a chance to bid on and win a variety of excellent items. More information and early bird tickets available here. SFI BIG SPLASH ONLINE RAFFLE The Big Splash raffle is on! Two early bird prizes, a Special Edition Duncanby Lodge Islander TR3 reel and a Gibbs Fishing tackle package, will be drawn on October 25. Get your tickets for a chance to win a KingFisher boat with Yamaha power and Scotty downriggers, a trip to Langara Fishing Lodge in Haida Gwaii, to the Central coast at North King Lodge, or to Nootka Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island at Moutcha Bay Resort. For tickets and more details visit the SFI homepage. Until next time, tight lines! The SFI Team |
The Annual SFI Big Splash Gala is Friday, November 29th at the Vancouver Convention Centre – West! During the day, plan to attend the annual SFI Industry Policy Conference also at the Vancouver Convention Centre. This event has become the key forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing industry and community can meet and share perspectives on the issues facing the public fishery. Speakers will provide remarks on this year's theme: Selective and Sustainable. The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) will host a session to provide updates on marine research and salmon recovery work being undertaken utilizing funds generated through Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Salmon Conservation stamp on tidal water sport fishing licences and the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund. Come to the day conference and stay on for the evening event! Join us for a great opportunity to connect with friends and colleagues and check out an excellent assortment of auction and raffle items. Please help us raise funds to support and protect sustainable opportunities for BC’s sport fishing community by participating in the SFI Big Splash Online Auction. Auction items are now available for preview and are being updated frequently. Please check back to see what has been added! Early bird tickets are only available until November 1! |
October 15, 2024We hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend. It is a busy week ahead with a lot more on the calendar to come.BC ELECTION As usual, there are many issues competing for attention so please don't forget to consider what priortity your candidate and their party places on BC fish and recreational fisheries before casting your vote. Although many salmon issues are managed federally, raising awareness, and seeking support for actions that will benefit salmon and British Columbians who value fisheries is a role the Provincial Government should continue to play. Collaborating to ensure sustainable access and opportunity to fisheries resources requires continued support from all levels of government. It is important that BC MLAs and candidates understand and are encouraged to be involved in improving prospects for wild salmon, sustainable access, and the benefits and economic opportunity that flow from healthy marine and aquatic resources. Use your vote and your voice to let candidates understand that BC's public fishery is important to you and your community. SFI BIG SPLASH AND CONFERENCE - NOVEMBER 29, 2024 - EARLY BIRD TICKETS The SFI Policy Conference is at the Vancouver Convention Centre on November 29th. This year's theme is Selective and Sustainable. We look forward to this annual forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing community can meet, share their perspectives on the issues facing the recreational fishery and discuss opportunity and challenges for the coming season. The Pacific Salmon Foundation will take a portion of the day to share details about programs and projects that are funded by revenues generated from sales of the Salmon Conservation stamp on your tidal waters licence. Following the Conference join us at the Big Splash Gala and Fundraiser. Plan to be there on November 29th for a fun evening to reconnect with friends and colleagues, enjoy a great meal, and have a chance to bid on and win a variety of excellent items while suporting the SFI. More information and early bird tickets available here. MANDATORY WEAR OF PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES (PFDs) AND LIFEJACKETS Transport Canada is seeking public input regarding mandatory wear of PFDs and lifejackets. Consultation is ongoing and the survey is open until November 4, 2024. How to participate:
SFI BIG SPLASH ONLINE RAFFLE - EARLY BIRD TICKET DEADLINE APPROACHING The Big Splash raffle is on! Get your tickets before October 24th for a chance to win two early bird prizes, a Special Edition Duncanby Lodge Islander TR3 reel and a Gibbs Fishing tackle package, drawn on October 25th. Tickets purchased any time before December 27th give you a chance to win a KingFisher boat with Yamaha power and Scotty downriggers and trips to Langara Fishing Lodge in Haida Gwaii, to the Central coast at North King Lodge or, to Nootka Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island at Moutcha Bay Resort. ![]() FISHING BC Fishing BC, the promotional and awareness raising program partnering the SFI, the BC Fishing Tourism Association, and the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC with Destination BC and communities around the Province, markets fishing in BC to out of province visitors and local anglers. The co-op program provides cost saving options for operators and access to major distribution networks. Fall and winter marketing opportunities are available now. If you would like to participate please be in touch with our office at (604) 946-0734 or by emailing info@sportfishing.bc.ca with questions or for more information. Visit fishingbc.com and be reminded of the excellent opportunities and variety available for fishing in BC. For tickets and more details visit the SFI homepage. Until next time, tight lines! The SFI Team |
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