Poll:- How Many Fishing Trips Do You Make A Year?

As a passenger I was able to get about 40+ days last year on the coast, with a handful inside. With my own boat this year, probably been out over a dozen times in april...who knows how many by years end ....
I try to get out once a week on average, but shoot for twice a week over July and August. I went three weeks without a trip this spring and my skin was crawling and the withdrawal was killing me. I would say 52+ trips. I think it is a curse on your boat if you don't use it every two weeks. That's when things break down from lack of use.
This is excellent stuff guys I'm deffinetly telling the wife it's common knowledge if you don't fish at least every two weeks your boat breaks down for a minimum of a $1,000 repair. If she doesn't believe me ill point her here.
the rust takes hold, the rubber gets stiff, the seals/gaskets get dry, etc etc. tell the spouse whatever it takes to get out.
About 20+ days fishing Sooke and 10+ or so Vancouver. Also 20+ freshwater in any lake that has big fish and lots of cold BEER!!!!!
See You Out There....:cool:
I use to be about a 20 or 25 day a year guy. Having the cabin for the last 3 years and boat in the water for the summer months has me out closer to 40 days a year. Which is pretty good since I have been living out of the province for the last 4 years. Lots of those days are usually an early morning solo fish before breakfast and then another trip during the day depending on the family. :D
Many holiday's are come in the year but planning to celebrate with adventures styles. The Catskills Fly Fishing offer the best deal on fishing and boating with more excitements in these fishing clubs.