Poet Nook


Planning to go to Barkley Sound August 6 for a week or so. Does anyone know what kind of setup at Poet Nook? Boat Launch, fuel, grub, accomadation, contact info? Do the bigger Springs start come into the sound in August?
Boat Launch: yes (I alway launch in PA and run up. Bad road)
Fuel: Yes ($5/Gal last trip up)
Grub: No just store stuff. (Uphill from Gov dock in Bamfield is Pub. Not bad food)
Accoadation: campsites, moorage, showers, electricity and bunkhouse.
Bigger Springs: Some already there now. 4 over 30 so far personally.

Contact: Office 756-4440 Marina 720-9572

Edited by - Nick Nameless on 07/26/2005 12:11:24
We stayed at the bunkhouse 2 weeks back. The shared kitchen is nice but the beds are rugged. The moorage is great and the run to Beale / Offshore isn't too bad - we got 5-7 miles offshore from Poett Nook in about 50 minutes in my 17' 90HP boat.

We did real well offshore but 2 weeks ago there weren't too many fish on the inside. Going back this weekend and staying in Bamfield so we can get pissed at the Pub each night and chase some Bamfield dirties.