Okanagan sockeye 2022

There’s going to be so many damn fish around it’s not a big deal. The natives that are netting them have every right. If the ONA didn’t sink a ton of time and money into this, we wouldn’t even have any fish. There’s going to be half a million fish headed for Skaha and hopefully Okanagan. Anymore than 80,000 on the red in the channel and we start to have a problem with eggs being washed out by other spawners. Reds on reds on reds type thing. I really hope a lot of those fish are headed for the creeks that flow into Okanagan.
kinda getting fed up with the last minute anouncements from the Government. Really hard to make plans on how I'm gonna spend my time or where. Opening will be on Osoyoos though if or when we get one.
Right, I meant Osoyoos lol. Yeah, hopefully there is an announcement soon
Not sure what is going on, usually by this time of year it has been announced. Over 350K fish at Wells which is well beyond the 80K threshold used for years now.
Not sure what is going on, usually by this time of year it has been announced. Over 350K fish at Wells which is well beyond the 80K threshold used for years now.
exactly... seems like every time we hear of something it's the day before or the typical friday afternoon at closing time. I want to make plans for this but is it gonna be the first like usual or like FD said maybe the second? Hard to get the troops aligned to partake or make personal plans in life knowing it's looming, it's a fun time I dont want to miss.
Idk because I’m not part of the SFAB up there but it’s is s joke when you see the fish comming for a month thst can’t give an update on when to expect an opening.

mid I was involved in the area it’s something that should be pushed for
Still nothing... we are days away from the traditional opener.... WTF man! Some desk jockies need a kick to the curb and a kick elsewhere. Would be nice to know if I need to rig the boat up for Sockeye or just get ready to head to the Island. I don't think they can argue about a concervation concern and fortunatly there's no Orca's in Osoyoos lol. Running low on excuses to get off ther butt's.
I wonder if the sudden onset of hot weather has them worried about a thermal block? In 2015 almost the entire run stayed in Brewster Pool because the Okanagan River was too hot and too low. Seems unlikely that low water level would be an issue this year though, 2015 by comparison was hot, hot, hot.

Anyway I'm in the same situation. leaving for the Sunshine Coast on Aug 5 so there's only a handful of days available. I got all my saltwater stuff standing by and boat rigged for sockeye anyway. Might not happen, there's also this thing called work that has to get a look in before I leave.
Effective 00:01 August 2, 2022 until further notice, in the portion of Osoyoos Lake north of the bridge at Highway No. 3 (North Basin), you may retain two(2)Sockeye per day.
Lame but I'll take it... at least for one day I'll be able to fish for a couple of weeks. Hopefully it'll be a long opening like a couple years ago.
Osoyoos Lake

A demonstration fishery opportunity will be provided to the Okanagan Nation Alliance effective 00:01 hours August 2, 2022 until further notice in the waters of Osoyoos Lake.

The target species is Sockeye. The following gear types are permitted; troll and purse seine.

Sockeye salmon in this fishery are part of the Okanagan River Stock. Decision rules for the fishery are outlined in the 2022/2023 IFMP for Southern BC Salmon. The trigger for considering commercial fisheries in Osoyoos Lake is 80,000 sockeye past Well's Dam. At this time the projected abundance past Well's Dam is 350,000

For more information:

Please contact Kory Ryde,(kory.ryde@dfo-mpo.gc.ca)

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0815
Sent July 29, 2022 at 1203

Osoyoos Lake

A demonstration fishery opportunity will be provided to the Okanagan Nation Alliance effective 00:01 hours August 2, 2022 until further notice in the waters of Osoyoos Lake.

The target species is Sockeye. The following gear types are permitted; troll and purse seine.

Sockeye salmon in this fishery are part of the Okanagan River Stock. Decision rules for the fishery are outlined in the 2022/2023 IFMP for Southern BC Salmon. The trigger for considering commercial fisheries in Osoyoos Lake is 80,000 sockeye past Well's Dam. At this time the projected abundance past Well's Dam is 350,000

For more information:

Please contact Kory Ryde,(kory.ryde@dfo-mpo.gc.ca)

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0815
Sent July 29, 2022 at 1203

everyone should send an email to kory.ryde@dfo-mpo.gc.ca explaining the rational to a 2 fish limit
Folks who know more than me: will you start out running flashers or dodgers?