Ok Dumb question.. Have you ever seen a flying boat out on the salt chuck?


Active Member
Heard a distant buzz today overlooking the chuck... looked up.. and well.. saw a flying boat complete with boat and airplane motor. All I could think was "Throw the riggers down!!"


Pretty cool flying inflatable - I can just see it, the wind picks up and the seas start to build, you are 25 miles offshore ......just take off and fly home with the gulls above the nasty seas !!
Seems more likely than 2 tyees and an 80lb hali on your first fishing trip haha

Well Kelly, it most certainly wasn't my "first" fishing trip. I've been fishing for over 30 years. It was my first trip to that particular location, which I researched well before I went both with locals, and long time guides on what works in that particular spot.

If you're saying I'm full of it, well.... Ah never mind.

I'll just keep fishing :)

Peahead, yeah pretty nifty. I wonder how he ever got it approved... seemed to fly well actually... Odd but you'd think it's aerodynamics would be way off.
Saw one in Cuba a few years ago - had a big butt fan on the back to drive it.

I have some pics at home - I'll post one later.

Here we go:

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Used to be one of those flying around Sooke for quite a while. Haven't seen it lately though
Well Kelly, it most certainly wasn't my "first" fishing trip. I've been fishing for over 30 years. It was my first trip to that particular location, which I researched well before I went both with locals, and long time guides on what works in that particular spot.

If you're saying I'm full of it, well.... Ah never mind.

I'll just keep fishing :)

Peahead, yeah pretty nifty. I wonder how he ever got it approved... seemed to fly well actually... Odd but you'd think it's aerodynamics would be way off.

Get the pics up then.....
Get the pics up then.....

If I had them on "My" camera, I would, but they were on a friend's camera who is up in Camp for most of the summer.

Then again I fish nearly every decent day, nearly all day at the moment. (Through a bit of rain, as well as in December, Jan, Feb and so on for winters.).
I've put a great deal of time in for the fish I've been lucky enough to catch.
I'm not one for rushing out for the "right tide" but more one to fish every tide from sun up till sun down, until something is in the boat.

The next trip I'll make sure to bring my own camera I guess since those who are cynical, obviously aren't catching much for fish.

For the record I like everyone else have caught nothing on the south side of the Narrows since this trip, which is why I'm now fishing north.

Perhaps I just got lucky. No idea, or perhaps I just caught the right tide at the right time, but I can tell you one thing. As I was landing one of the two springs that day, a tiny tin aluminum with a guy, his wife, and his dog were busy boating a 32 Lb right beside me, also fishing 180 Green on Green. The Hali was caught using a big Berkley scented grub (White).

Obviously a person simply needs to carry a camera at all times from now on.
Planning a few trips in the next two weeks, so will make sure to camera shot it all for the non believers.

I usually don't bother taking photos from my phone because

1. The photos show up really tiny as you can see from a few winters I caught at Twin Islands Dec 3rd,
2. I am usually busy setting down riggers, lines for everyone else, and driving the boat.

On a side note, no longer will I be posting locations, or information about where the fish are caught. All I've been doing was try to help others catch a few, but why waste my time?. I'll save the info for a select few who I consider friends if those are the reactions I get.


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I for one appreciate any and all information offered on this site. No pictures necessary but when offered I am sure they are enjoyed by all.
I for one appreciate any and all information offered on this site. No pictures necessary but when offered I am sure they are enjoyed by all.

Thanks Charlie. I don't understand the skeptical nature much either, but I guess it just goes with the territory. I understand many on here are also great fishermen too, but perhaps I just have more time to fish this year than many people?. I've put in my time, and not every trip is great of successful, but there's been some notable ones, where the fish have been and I tried to share that. I could tell you all right now where there's some large numbers of springs coming to the docks this morning, but of course no one will believe me, even though it's already been reported by me, yet confirmed only this morning by one of the tackle stores in CR who happens to be there this morning fishing. Send me a pm, and I'll pass along what I know if you want some info. I sadly won't get back on the water now until probably Tues.

I guess I just need a good camera.
Thanks Charlie. I don't understand the skeptical nature much either, but I guess it just goes with the territory. I understand many on here are also great fishermen too, but perhaps I just have more time to fish this year than many people?. I've put in my time, and not every trip is great of successful, but there's been some notable ones, where the fish have been and I tried to share that. I could tell you all right now where there's some large numbers of springs coming to the docks this morning, but of course no one will believe me, even though it's already been reported by me, yet confirmed only this morning by one of the tackle stores in CR who happens to be there this morning fishing. Send me a pm, and I'll pass along what I know if you want some info. I sadly won't get back on the water now until probably Tues.

I guess I just need a good camera.

Just poking fun at your fishy reports. You cant get mad at people question the authenticity. Two tyees and a 80lb halibut on your first report in CR sounds fake. The same report asked what the big fish(porpises) feeding were.... Lots of members have fished the area their entire lives and never had that. Thats why so many are asking for pictures to back up your reports. I guess when you post them then some like i can eat their words.
Kelly it must be timing I recon. I mean I've fished many other areas like Rupert, The QCI (Haida Gwaii) etc.. but I did go out three times after the fact same area, and caught nothing so perhaps it was just luck. Since the third skunk trip I've fished north of the narrows.
Same with Kitty. Did ok out there a few times, and then nothing.
The porpoises I have seen before but not like I did here. The night everyone was catching it appeared like the water was just boiling with things breaching, and the bait on the sounder was thick. I've seen dogfish schooling on the surface in past, but this just seemed a mixture of all kinds of things in various sizes, so was simply asking if anyone was familiar?
I can understand what you're saying, but there's no B.S. on the outing. I'll start packing a good camera with I think. Should probably do that anyways. No worries. Figured you were just poking at, but I was just trying to help with what I have done, and what I've seen. I don't have one of those fancy iphone thingys so I guess I should get with the program.

[quote[Lots of members have fished the area their entire lives and never had that.[/quote]

I noticed this part of the comment.
If they have spent their whole lives fishing without some good hookups, then they must be doing something wrong, which i am more than happy to share what's worked for me, even going so far as to list depths, and what I was using exactly, to try and be helpful. I may not be the best fisherman in the world. (I think there's a few better than me, but I can hold my own with catching fish.).
I think the problem is that lots of people are only able to be weekend warriors, or after work warriors, whereas me, I've had plenty water time this year, dealing with a bit of sickness and what not. The fish are out there, but there's been alot of time fishing and not catching spent, in order to do some catching.

I did manage to dredge up some fish pics from last season though.

Few good eats here.



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FishBC, great reports!! I enjoy hearing about local fishing and any reports in the areas I fish go a long way in determining where to fish. I know the wall you caught fish north of the narrows and it can be hot fishing. Don"t let the cynics ruin your time here we all appreciate it.
Brian I know you are going to hate me asking this but....Where are those pictures from? The first one of the 3 looks like river fish. The second one looks like its from a lodge photo 5 Chinooks and a wild coho, and in the third one check out hooked noses. Plus I notice none of them are on ice Yummmm. None look like CR fish.

Sorry, but I have to ask.
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Brian I know you are going to hate me asking this but....Where are those pictures from? The first one of the 3 looks like river fish. The second one looks like its from a lodge photo 5 Chinooks and a wild coho, and in the third one check out hooked noses. Plus I notice none of them are on ice Yummmm. None look like CR fish.

Sorry, but I have to ask.

Owen I only moved to the Island last Sept so that's ok to ask.

First two were from the Skeena.

Second photo was in my buddy's boat WCQCI

Third was with the same buddy only ECQCI

My friend over in Sandspit normally get out with a few times a year except this year.

I think by asking certain questions about "this" area, some have assumed, I have never fished before. .. That actually makes me chuckle a little ...

Hope you all have a good day.
Spending the day with my kids for the day.
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This is all I know.... I fish quite a bit on this side( not nearly as much as others) but quite a bit. I catch fish, not tons but I catch fish. There are folks on here that catch a lot more. I have never heard of someone on here or at the dock or anywhere that has slammed 2 tyees and a big hali in 1 outing. I'm sure its happened but it would not be anything I would even remotely call "common". And it was posted there was pics....
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When my friend is out of camp (Gas well tester), I'll see what I can do.
I didn't think it was common either as i did spend quite a bit of time fishing between kitty, qaudra, and twin islands and most times went home empty, but for some reason that one day was really exceptional, and not just for me. Nets were out on alot of other boats too.
I haven't gone back since they closed the spot except the green can though, so unsure of anything recent.
This thread is hilarious...

X2. The battle of the East Coast fishing tales arrggg! Have you ever been to sea Billy:D. Ha ha.

Oh it's all in good fun.

Sorry I have never seen the flying Zodiak thing. Looks cool though. This is the closest I've seen to a flying boat.

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