Official Hali Derby Information!!!!!


Active Member
2006 First Annual Sportfishingbc Hali Derby Saturday March 25, 2006

Meet and Greet: Friday March 24, 7:00 pm til ??? @ the Esquimalt Legion

Boundaries: Sidney to Jordan River

Start Time For Fishing: First Light Saturday March 25, 2006

Official Weigh in Station: Esquimalt Anglers Boat Launch/Clubhouse in Esquimalt

Weigh In: Esquimalt Angler weigh in person will weigh in and document all catches

Cut Off Time For Weigh In: 2 pm sharp @ the official weigh in station listed above

Cost of Entry: $10.00 per person, all persons on a boat must pay entry fee

Prizes: Biggest Fish and Many Hidden Weight Prizes

Wrap Up Party: Saturday March 25, 3pm til ??? @ the Esquimalt Legion

All entry fees will be collected and registration will take place at the meet and greet on Friday Night! Unless other wise arranged ahead of time with Wolf or MyEscape. However you can pay entry fees and register others on Friday night on there behalf without making prior arrangements.

Remember all parties on a boat must pay the entry fee and be registered in the derby.

All fish no matter how big or how small should be weighed in, as there are some fantastic hidden weight prizes. You must be in attendance at Saturdays wrap up party to win!

For those needing accommodations: “Special Arrangements Have Been Made”

When booking this, you have to say they are attending a fishing derby at the Esquimalt legion in order to get the rate.

Comfort Inn and Suites101 Island Highway Victoria 250-388-7861 or1-800-661-4043

Waterfront cabin 125/night, Two bedroom cabin with living room, mini fridge, microwave and private deck
One bedroom suite 85/night, Suite with bedroom, sofa bed in living room, full kitchen
Junior suite 75/night, Queen bed, sofa bed and kitchen
Studio suite 65/night, Queen bed and kitchen
Standard room 65/night, Two double beds
Standard room 60/night, One queen bed and sofa

Rates are based on 2 people sharing - additional person, 15.00.

Parking will be available for boats down the street from the legion in the parking lot of the Canex store on the Base for those needing it.

We will see you there, you don’t want to miss the great times to be had!

Remeber if you can't make the derby to fish you are welcome to join us at either Friday or Saturdays functions at the Esquimalt Legion.
Last night I was in the process of edititing a post when something happened and the whole thread disapeared. The derby is still on with an estimated 25 people participating as of the last count. We have collected some awesome prizes to be won and randomly drawn @ the Saturday wrap up party. Look forward to meeting everyone on Friday Night. For those who have donated prizes thanks we post after the derby who won what.

Cheers Kev

Edited by - MyEscape on 03/23/2006 07:30:01

Edited by - MyEscape on 03/23/2006 15:40:18
Kevin, we NEED to talk!
I'll send both you and Roy my info.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
OK. something isn't working right.
I'll send ROY my information.


Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Back in the early stages of putting this derby together, there was a post from SOMEONE on this side (Lower Mainland) that had a boat moured on the N. Shore (?) that was going over.


cuz if you still are, then I have a small favour to ask.
I scrolled through the threads but can't seem to find the one in question. PLEASE contact me.

Bhemi.........You got mail

Nope..........You don't

Pulled your E-mail address from your profile.
Something isn't right. You may want to check to see if it's correct.

If you see this post TODAY please contact me - Dean.

Edited by - Mr. Dean on 03/23/2006 12:53:53
Who's gonna take this derby?My bets are on Wolf and crew as Wolf probably knows these waters better than anyone.

Edited by - first strike on 03/23/2006 14:12:04
Winning won't be everything as some of the prizes to be won for hidden weights and random draws are awesome. I don't care if we win or not. I'm coming down to meet some new fishermen, have a blast, drink some wobblies and fish halibut for the first time ever.

Cheers ME
A blerb off of DC's site...

"I land - and carefully release - more than 500 salmon every year. If you catch fewer fish, you should get to know me because I can teach you what you need to know."

500 salmon a year eh...
Thats 1.36 a day...
if you go out once a week it would be 9.6 per day
if you get out once a month it would be 41.6 per day

Man I gotta give him a call!!! I must be doing something wrong.
I am already a winner , I am going hali fishing this weekend! Bad day fishing beats a good day at work....

Thanks yo mama you took the words right out of my mouth. If I said what I really think about DC Reid I'd have to zap my own post LOL.

Lets not hijack this thread with stuff other then the task at hand getting together and having a great weekend at the first ever Sportfishingbc get together.

Searam I agree can't wait for the fun to begin !!!!!

Cheers ME
Everything's in order at the Legion. Walk through the door, you will see a glass door straight ahead. Ring the buzzer to the right of the door, the bartender will let you in. Once through the door and you go down to the first landing on the stairs, the area directly to the left is reserved for this event.

There's a kitchen that serves pub grub that's reasonably priced. I think it will be open until about 9:00. Oh ya, the beer's reasonably priced too. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow!! I hope that you all have a good time, and that you weigh in some big barn doors.

Be sure to keep those of us who can't be there informed on how things go.

Post Pictures after<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats