OFFICIAL 2016 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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not sure if this fits in the forum, but anyone crabbing these days? I haven't checked to see if season is open lately... haven't been out for a couple of weeks...
Gonna be awesome huge bycatch of endangered steelhead and wild coho just so the chum roe can be sent overseas...

$$$$... Oh and did I mention $$. Plus we can't forget the $$ that we've accounted for in opening this season. It's okay, because the forecast for $ is healthy.
Same old same old. Government doesn't care about the steelhead. They'd be just as happy if they were all gone. One less species to interfere with the commercial fisheries.

How come the native bands around the Thompson don't file a suit to stop the commercial fishing. Yet they're pretty quick to file suits to stop sports fishing, when we take nothing in comparison to the commercial guys. Guess it's because smoked steelhead doesnt sell very well at the side of the road.
1 -The bands on the thompson and surrounding areas do not use nets and are almost exclusively rod/reel for salmon. They hate the lower band FN. Unfortunetly a cpl idiots from merrit kill 30/40 steelhead at the mouth of the nicola over the fall/winter.
2- Next fall there is a big rumour of a zero net fishery in the fall due to Interior steelhead going extinct. Hopefully this is true as it only a matter of time if not already that these fish will be extinct.
High wind warning today Pip. I was thinking about going out, but that dissuaded me. Pretty boring, you know how it gets this time of year.
I hate environment Canada. So much for the high winds. Should have just ignored them, but every once in a blue moon they're actually right. Not bad out there according to fish weather app. Anyone giving it a go today.
crossed from false creek to gulf islands through Porlier Pass and there where schools of salmon jumping way out in the Strait - not sure what they were but they looked to be 12 to 15 lbs. there where jumping on their sides in close areas. Maybe playing or hearding bait?
crossed from false creek to gulf islands through Porlier Pass and there where schools of salmon jumping way out in the Strait - not sure what they were but they looked to be 12 to 15 lbs. there where jumping on their sides in close areas. Maybe playing or hearding bait?

That would have been the Chum headed for the Fraser jumping out there.
three or four of us nutbars at the cap today - good news was pretty much dead calm - bad news no fish on the boat for me other than the expensive anchovies i was throwing overboard - didn't see any nets out
Hey Anglers,

Anyone tried up the arm for Chums? The Salty Geezer at my Marina says there is usually a massive run that goes up there this time of the year. Would love to feel the tug off the boat again until the winters show up.
Hey Anglers,

Anyone tried up the arm for Chums? The Salty Geezer at my Marina says there is usually a massive run that goes up there this time of the year. Would love to feel the tug off the boat again until the winters show up.

The commies are fishing in the river today for chum, so no point. People use purple jigs in the fraser to fish for chum and do really well.
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