Nitinat Lake

  • Thread starter Thread starter toynbee
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Well you explain to the fish if I had enough money to own a boat and fish in the ocean that's where I would be instead I get to walk my butt up and down the river. Plus competing with the local bears and trying not to be apart of the food chain...[}:)]
Hi! Has anyone been to NitNat lake the past week ( last week of Aug,06 )? Are there any salmon ? We are heading up tommorow, so I will report, and let everyone know if the salmon are there, and how many boats are up near the gap! Rumour has it the fish are in there, a friend caught salmon in the gap 2 weeks ago??? It does seem early, but I'll let you know.....
Hey Erin,
When you go up, scope out that rough boat launch on the left side, before you get to the gap, before outside for me will you.
Are people launching there with only 2 wheel drive? Is it loose? I don't want to get stuck.
drove around cowichan lake today, north side of lake (going to nitinat etc.) was very bad, but the south was in really good condition, you mihgt want to drive the south if your heading out with a fiberglass, it was like night and day
The launch at the end of the lake is good, I've used it before...a 2 wheel drive hmm...I would go in a two wheel drive, you would get there fine, but with the rough roads and pot holes I guess that depends if you baby your vehicle or you are just wondering if you will make it there, you will.The shore is loose sand, so Im not sure if you would spin out if you went to launch there, you may need a four wheel drive, I do know the campsite this time of year has quite a few people usually, so Im sure you could get someone to help you out once you get there.We were up two weeks ago, and guys were catching salmon...but it wasn't just crazy fishin like I have seen before, we didn't catch anything...some nice guy gave us a tip...use anchovies, and he actually gave us some ( thanks guy if you ever read this! )So we are headed back up today, and hopefully the salmon are thick!! The para surfers up there are is so beautiful!I'll let everyone know if there are fish when I get back tonight.:DRemember people to bring your cameras...there are lots of bears!
Went to Nit Nat lake today ( Sept.16th)....not even a bite!Even the guys that went out through the gap got nothing, there was only one guy we talked to that caught one earlier today.Im not sure if we are to late or to early, but I guess we will try next weekend! :0)
Out there today too. Saw one little one caught at about 6:30 pm, that was it. Not a nibble for us. Not many boats for this time of year, a couple times we were the only boat at the point. Slow!!!!!
friend said his buddy drove out there last weekend, and theres a road that takes you almost to the gap. From there you can walk downa trail tothe gap, and theres a pool appareantly that the fish sit in. He said he casted from shore, and got 7 fish..
Is the pool near the last campsite on NitNat lake?Or is it even further down in the actual narrows?How'd he get there?
Ive heard that there is alot of chum showing in the lake, and in the river. What is the best way to fish for the chum in the lake, red flasher, pink hootchie trolled dead slow? or is there some other way to do it in that shallow water. Why is it that i dont really hear of anybody fishing the lake for springs as much as last year? road or no fish?
is the ramp near the end of the lake , called doobah landing, right near the lake, (not sure of spelling right now)
There is NO fish...we have been up there weekend after weekend...thinkin we were just too early, we even brought a friend up telling him how awesome NitNat is, we told him how you " slay" the salmon, we looked like fools....not even a bite:(every other year was awesome! I don't know whats up?
It was great this weekend!!!:)