Nitinat! I need a fast answer!


Active Member
is there a closer launch to the gap then the ones by the river? I have a 14' im thinking about heading out intothe lake tomororw but it would be a like 2 hour run for me :P wheres the closest place to launch? i just need a car top launch
there is, I've only been out there once 10 years ago. don't ask me the directions. It's on the way to the Walbran valley. I think you should go with where you know rather than get totally lost trying to find the turn off to this boat lauch. Its way closer though.
K, the launch you are looking for is off Rosander Main, just across from Windy point....continue past the main campsite near the IR, and then take a right a KM or so past that takes you over the caycuse river - then another right at what should be a T.....not sure if its marked out there, but turnoff should be around 25 km - was obscure, but I seem to recall 'unique' ribbons on the side of the road (great help huh!), but it is the third right after T13 spur (keeping in mind a right turn could be nothing but alders now)....anyhow, I wouldn't even try it unless you have a 4x4 and a map of the area. If you pass a lake on the right, you've gone too far!

I recall a pretty muddy trip in off the main, but its not like they've had rain lately! Like saltydawg, I also haven't been there for like 10 years, but it was a cool spot with a gravelly launch and very cool campsite.

Best of luck!

PS...with a 14', don't go out into the ocean unless you know what you are doing or are with someone that does....make sure you have a reliable motor too!
great thank-you very much, and no worries we have no intent of venturing out there :P well see how the day goes we migt head out for the afternoon
Haha....head out for the afternoon....good one......

Seriously, 100% of the afternoons I've spent there involve winds 40-80 km....that's why its one of the best windsurfing lakes in north america! Fishers do the crack of dawn, surfers do the afternoon!

Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky, but don't count on it!
I may be heading there this saturday and am wondering how long the run down the lake is. I went last year but launched at the campsite towards the end of the lake(rough road in!!!). I went in a 12 foot aluminum boat then so it wasn't a problem because i didn't have a trailer. I've since bought a 16 foot fiberglass boat and want to save the beating on the boat and trailer. Just wondering how long the run down the lake is and if there is anything I should be aware of. Thanks...
Well, it's 23k from end launch to narrows (+-) so judge on that...30 min to an hour (thought it was longer, but so long ago now!) Shouldn't be any risks on the way there - seem to recall some shallow areas coming in to the narrows...the main thing is the wind that should pick up by 10am or so - can get pretty nasty on the way back. Also keep in mind that 1 tank of gas is probably not enough to get there and back unless you have a 4 stroke (always seemed tradition for us to get towed back the last little bit because we ran out of gas...haha), so bring an extra tank.
Gas isn't a problem, I always make sure I bring more than enough. I would make a full day of it so probably wouldn't come in until late afternoon. Hopefully it doesn't get too nasty. If anyone has any reports they can post it would be nice to know how it's doing in advance. Thanks again.