new member saying hi...HI

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My name is tom and I live in marysville wa. My wife and I bought a new 22- c-dory last year in feb and have put about 400 hours on it so far. We really enjoy cruising in canada. We have spent a week in desolation and just north of there last sept. We have gone to princess inlet and back in three days, great trip. I have been fishing most of my life in the 6 different states that I have lived in and have been around small boat my whole life, just cant get enough of the dam things. We moved here from the lake tahoe area a few years ago and just love it. I fish a lot in the local puget sound and rivers near home all year. I never put the boat away. Moving here I have had to learn alot of new methods of fishng and adapte alot of what i already know to bigger water. We really love the islands in the summer and plan to spend more time on the canadain side of the striats this year then before. We are really into crabbing and shrimping, that is if we could catch the damm things. I have been watching this site for a while just to see if i would fit in here and I think that I would. My goals for fishing this year is to get limits and some shrimp. we only have a three day season down here. I figure that if Iam going to spend a lot of time this summer in your waters I will get a year pass up there and do most of my weekend fishing Up that way. Talking to locals is the best way to learn the right and wrong of anything and I hope that I can do that here. Talking is not one of my weak points in life,just ask the wife. I also think that being local is more of a frame of mind then a location. Having never live anywhere for more then 4 years at a time Iam always having to learn new ways to fish. Just wanted to say hi before i started posting. Oh my other goal is to get a halibut this year. hooked on on hein bank last year but got broke off. maybe this year is the year.

teach a man to fish and he will steal all your best spots.
Good to have you aboard. Used to do a lot of sking in tahoe in my younger days. To many women and too much fun, had to smartin up and settle down. Good luck and tight lines.

The c-dory "susan E" is powered by a 90 hp honda. Aside from being a little cold blooded it runs great. I dont have a kicker but the 90 trolles just fine. Yes I salmon fish down here but its not a good as up your way. I have not fished the straits from either side of the border but plan to this year. We did get into a few silvers north of campbell river but they were all nates. We were a little late for the kings. Right now Iam waiting on a new radar dome to get here. Some $#@ stole mine off my boat a few weeks back.

teach a man to fish and he will steal all your best spots.
i also run a Honda on my boat, and i agree they run a little rough
until warm.
after that, they purr like a cat.
i usually warm mine up in the winter before going to the boat
good luck !

Them C-Dory's are nice lil boats. I'm a honda fan myself (130hp) Always needs 2 short hits of the key (when cold) to get her going. But then look out!

Don't look now, but I think you just had a bite. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Welcome, and please remove any shoe's w/ dark type soles.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
WElcome to the forum Tom. Hope you can gain some information here.

Welcome Tom,
Just a quick question, are you talking about fishing shrimp or do you really mean prawns? I know a lot of people know the difference but still call them by the wrong thing. If it is prawning you mean, just use the search here and enter "prawns" there is a wealth of information on this site
"teach a man to fish and he will steal all your best spots."

Hey, you should fit in perfectly here!
<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

PS: Let me know when (and where) you find any of those jumbo "shrimps."

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Hi Tom,Welcome and Good Luck.Shrimp season is just finished for us here in Sooke.We usually start in oct and fish thru till end of jan. We catch 'coon stripe' shrimp and side stripe(rarely)and also prawns.I quit last sun because its "hali" time and the large 4 yr old females are full with eggs (that are starting to get eyes).We had a great season.Did you know shrimp are born males and change sex to female in their third year.It is open year round.We fish them in a home-made cedar lath trap of our own design.We also fish them in mid summer near renfrew and nitinat,Also fish prawns in barkley sound in late summer.The largest last year was over 12"tiptotip.We use "prawn catcher" pellets in a scotty bait jar(with small 1/4" holes drilled in it),salmon frames and heads and the odd cat food can(with holes poked from a dive knive)<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

I dont know the difference between shrimp and prawns. I thought it was just a different way of naming the same thing. Down here we use shrimp pots and cat food. I have also tried fish pellets. I have caught a few but never a limit. I think its more about location and timing. I will do a search and see what I can learn. The weather is not my fault.Alot of things are my fault but not this. right now its windy and raining like crazy. I was going steelheading in the morning but he river has not dropped from the last storm and this will really push it out of shape.

teach a man to fish and he will steal all your best spots.