New braided fiber vs steel downrigger line

yeah that braided stuff has alot of drag and your line will hang back further then regular wire
i have heard of people using Tuff Line or bully braid for downrigger line. its the same scotty stuff but it thinner, lighter and same strength of wire
I purchased two reels of the scotty lane last month on ebay for $40 US. It appears to be smaller diameter than the steel cable and I would think it would have less resitance. Am I wrong? I also want to use my black(vodoo) box will it work if you hook it up to bellow water line metal?
Its no good now as the electrical ions are created by the wire going in the water and then trolling through it.

This whole debate on this stuff makes me laugh our little boats arent the big commercial 100 ft boats where they need a black box people buy them thinking its going to make you fish better, its the fisherman that catches fish I had a lodge boat that was always around 8.5 to 9.5 so very "hot" for springs and I consistantly caught fish every day.

So here is the flip side for you ALL to think about you put this new crap on and you have no voltage at all and you still get fish hhhhhhhmmmmmm wonder why BECAUSE its you the fisherman getting them, another point if you have your flasher and anch. back 30 ft from your clip how in the world is the current ever going to get to there????????????????where your bait is????????
the black box catche more fisherman just like the old charlie white lure got more fisherman than fish!!!!!!!!!

But IF you think it works than all the power to you I have never ran one on any of my boats dont feel I need it and I do gat a fair amount of springs every year!!!!

Good luck Wolf
I agree with Wolf on that one, no b boxin for me either! Just the magic of zincs keepin the boat cool so the fish don't freak at the boat and your done. I do check my line voltage as does Roy just in case it starts creeping up to far above .68. If it is i put new trim tab zincs on. I ditched the 6 strand commercial wire and 15 # ball and am finding the scotty wire to be ****, It always frays at the stop clips. Im tempting the idea of going to spectra on one side.
Read all postings about downrigger lines and am getting peplexed. i,e, mine fraying 30 ft up?????
Dumb question maybe but what about using whatever test/strength nylon fishing line?
I don't get it Wolf, in one post you state how you'll stick with wire so you can control the voltage on your boat, then a few posts late you say it doesn't matter and voltage has nothing to do with catching fish?

Maybe I'm reading your posts wrong but this seems confusing to me?

I've personally never used a black box I just make sure my boat is within the accepted range, I don't think it could hurt though.
I've been using 140 lb Tuff Line Plus XP on my two Scotty downriggers for the last two years and will never go back to wire. Both downriggers are manuals and I only run 7 to 10 lb balls. I usually fish from 20 to 150 feet on the downriggers and fish about 30-40 days a year. The line is much thinner than wire and the balls run at less of an angle so I can get and hold a deeper depth with less speed or less weight. There has not been one instance of the line breaking. Also, the line does not hold bits of weed or jellyfish like a wire line will, nor will it cut your fishing line if the line from one rod wraps around it. When it comes time to replace the line, probably in a few years since it shows little wear, I may go to 80 or 100 lb line to get better depth control. There is one trick to know if you use the thinner line. Run the last few inches for the downrigger line through some thin to better hold the release clips. Several other anglers in my fishing club have also switched to the same line and all have had the same results and will not go back to wire again.
NO!!!!!!!! I said ill stick with wire so I know where my voltage is. I never said it doesnt matter I posted a question to you all on how and why(please re read) I never said it doesnt matter??????Its just that I dont believe in the whole voltage thing as the reason WHY people dont catch fish.

Everyone will blam there boat for not catching fish ever thought it was the fisherman!!!!!!

Last year a guy down at the dock was going on about how he needed a black box and the whole thing on how springs like 5.5 to 6.5 volts on a boat and went and bought one so I hopped on his boat and got him to run every thing tested it at the dock the meter was at 5.8 told him why bother but he did took him 2 days to hook it up (42 FT cruiser boat)After the year was done asked him if it made a difference he said he turned it off after a bit and he still caught fish I told him what i was using and the different spin on the bait as to my success and he started catching more fish.

I think color combos and how you spin the bait are way more important that boat voltage,remember a fish is biting the anchovie not your downrigger line!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf

Good luck Wolf
quote:I think color combos and how you spin the bait are way more important that boat voltage,remember a fish is biting the anchovie not your downrigger line!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely agree, I guess I just read your posts a wrong. I haven't used a black box before and i've always done well.

I think at worst they don't do anything at best they might help a bit.
quote:Originally posted by Mornin Chubby

Half way through the 2006 season I relined my downriggers with the new braided line from Scotty. Some of the other guides I was working with were very happy with its performance. I like that there are no more kinks and its easy to tie, and the quiet performance I am a firm believer in the black box and I wonder about not being able to make use of it. I didn’t really notice a difference in my catch success. Has any body else had any experience here? Is there another way to still make use of the black box?

thats the one. you dont need a downrigger to run a black box. that kit runs for $23 @ Trotac. basically its a piece of SS wire that runs from ither sides of the transom, below the waterline and with a connector on both ends.
After some thinking and reserch. I believe the answer is simple. No wire in the water no need for black box. With braided line the problem of current is of no concern. The bait is to far from the boat to make any differance. I have noticed no differance in my catch success with braided. The black box was only benifcial with wire downrigger cable.
Thanks to all of you for your help on this one.
After some thinking and reserch. I believe the answer is simple. No wire in the water no need for black box. With braided line the problem of current is of no concern. The bait is to far from the boat to make any differance. I have noticed no differance in my catch success with braided. The black box was only benifcial with wire downrigger cable.
Thanks to all of you for your help on this one.
I agree with Wolf!!!!I feel the most important thing I can do is become one with the Anchovie down in the strike zone!Presentation gets the strikes.Where I fish Anchovies are the choice for Springs!And the same guys are most always hanging Springs on the scale!The box most important to them is the Bait Box (Paint it Black if you want)properly brined, proper size, proper roll gets Springs in the box.
I agree with Wolf!!!!I feel the most important thing I can do is become one with the Anchovie down in the strike zone!Presentation gets the strikes.Where I fish Anchovies are the choice for Springs!And the same guys are most always hanging Springs on the scale!The box most important to them is the Bait Box (Paint it Black if you want)properly brined, proper size, proper roll gets Springs in the box.