Need an update boyz!!

let you know tommorow im out for the weekend.
hey wolf dont ya have too pitch for coach cleats?????

Just Bring it!
Whoops wolf just talked too cleats and heard the news of last night,oh well time too go fishin!

Just Bring it!
I do know that bamfield was hot as hell yesterday.It looks like it will continue.

thanks the runt
Fishing off of sooke is crazy pinks pinks pinks managed some high teen springs and some sockeye lots of very small coho also dont even know there on went through 3 packs of bait today even using the spoons fog was bad at times but calm waters out again tommorow ill keep you all informed.

Good luck Wolf

P.S. vinnie we won last night got other plans tonight!!!!!
Wasn't that fun Wolf? Nice to see so many springs showing up in Sooke finally! We were trolling beside ya today around 'Otter'. After more than 5 packs of bait ended up limiting on sockeye and springs in the 20's and looks like y'all did the same. Friends did well in Renny along the shore last week and saw lots of Sockeye so we can expect lots more travelling thru sooke!
Hi guys today was way better hardly any pinks got our limit then they got mine seems there at all depths now 40 to 90 ft, betsy head worked well yesterday but blue crome was on today,try them all i guess!!!!!!!!!!!ill be out again tommorow. fog was bad today up until around 1.

Good luck Wolf
And how 'bout those sockeye!! Little suckers were aggressive today we found! One of the sockeye we landed hit a full size herring! Others were on chovie. Nice to catch such high quality incidentals! Didn't see one coho...they still must be staging offshore which means we are looking at some BIG fish to arrive in september!
Well made it out to otter for the first time since May. (Thanks to Red Monster for the waypoint...bang on!) Lots of pinks and one spring in the box. Seem to be little waves of spring coming throught all morning. I didn't se you out there today Wolf, day off?
I was on bankers hours today had clients cancel last minute so i went out at 10 today with a buddy was near otter till 3 came in with a nice limit of springs all 20 lbers got really rough so we decided to leave fun day to have a day off and get paid for it!!!!!!!!!
Ill be out again on thursday

Just got back from 12 days in Nova Scotia--ready to go fishing. Anybody been out in the last couple of days?
Just returned from 7 days at Bamfield, Offshore was tremendous! You all would not even begin to believe the numbers & action we had. Best action I have ever seen including Hakai or the Charlottes.

Fish quick & deep if you want some bigger Springs, get the ball down quick to get past the Coho!!!

Good Luck<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
Yes offshore is amazing right now, We just returned from 5 days in Uci, fished 2 days on Bigbank with a 43 the biggest on a 602 tomic. Lots off big fin clipped Coho as well to add to the fun. We finished off our final day, today by running from a slow and bouncy southbank to fish in super tight off little beach and Wya to bonk a 26 and a few high teens before 9:30. Saw another in the fourties come in on Bill Vons' Boat too. Looks like they are starting to move in a bit...
WOW,a 43 that's bigger than most of the guides biggest this year!Looks like you have some of wolfies magic!!!!!

Just Bring it!
I just located bags apparantly he threw out doors and dana's in!!!What the hell and no dog i dont have a cough anymore but there's a **** storm coming!COFFEES ON!!!

Just Bring it!
According too the local myth you,ve already done sooke BAGS!PACKIT!!!!!!

Just Bring it!