Natives Only Sockeye Opening!


Well-Known Member
Fishery Notice

Category(s): ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll

Subject: FN0502-Salmon: Fraser River Sockeye Update - July 12 - Areas 11 to 29


The Fraser River Panel met today, July 26 to review assessment data on Fraser
sockeye salmon. The abundance of returning Fraser sockeye continues to be lower
than expected for this time period. The Fraser River Panel adopted an increase
to the run size estimate for the Early Stuart stock group to 185,000 sockeye,
however this estimate is still below the forecast of 258,000 at the 50%
probability level. The escapement estimate of Fraser River sockeye past Mission
to July 25 is 146,000 Early Stuart, 39,000 Early Summer and 6,000 summer run
sockeye. At this time the early components of the Fraser River sockeye stock
groups appear to at least 1 week later than normal timing and returning at
abundance levels somewhat below forecast levels (50%P).

Migration conditions for sockeye in the Fraser River continue to be favourable
however the current discharge levels in the Fraser River (at Hope) of 4,150 cms
is slightly below average, and water temperatures at Qualark Creek of 17.1 0C
are slightly above average.

Current in-season assessment information indicates that the majority of the
Early Stuart component has now cleared the marine approach areas. Early Summer
and Summer run stocks are now entering the approach areas. This provides
opportunities for low impact fisheries to commence over the next few days.

First Nations
First Nations fisheries targeting Fraser River sockeye in the marine areas are
authorized to commence starting today, July 26. First Nations targeted Fraser
River sockeye fisheries in Area 29 and the Fraser River currently remain closed
due to Early Stuart impacts. Opportunities for the commencement of these
fisheries will be reviewed and an update will be provided on Friday July 29
following the next Fraser River Panel meeting.

Sockeye retention remains closed
Opportunities for the commencement of Fraser River sockeye retention will be
reviewed and an update will be provided on Friday July 29.

Remains closed
Opportunities for the commencement of any assessment or commercial fisheries
will be reviewed and an update will be provided on Friday July 29.

The next update will be Friday PM, July 29 following the next Fraser River
Panel meeting.

Paul Ryall, (604)666-0115

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0502
Sent July 26, 2005 at 1433


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Why not, bring him in. I mean a good chunk of the "ceremonial" Socks caught go to Alberta via refrig truck anyway.

Why don't we wait till the runs are expected to be less than 10,000 before we stop the netting? I mean we only need 10-20 fish to get through to continue the run right? .... As stupid as this sounds, its pretty much what our leaders are doing.

I don't think people would complain if it was an even playing field. We all want the continuation of the run. If it means we stop fishing for 2-3 years then fine. But we should ALL be stopped, not just the sportsfishery.

I don't have a clue how to estimate the losses to the guides in BC whenever there are closures. But I'm sure even they would endure a couple of bad years with the promise of a future.

enough ranting, Cheers.

... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.