Open message to fish farm supporters, workers, media shrills and self-appointed saviours who regularly troll or post on this site:
1/ It is up to your industry to prove that you either have no effects or risks to wild salmon stocks – and NOT us to prove that you do have effects. This is the basis of environmental assessments,
2/ The science is evolving, but there has been quite a bit of peer-reviewed and grey literature that indicates that open net-cage technology can pose significant risks to wild salmon stocks world-wide. The debate in the science is on how severe those risks are, and what is acceptable – rather than whether these impacts happen (we already discussed this on this thread). The fact that you don't like any particular researcher because their research puts your industry in a bad light is irrelevant and childish, and your approach fools nobody on this site, but yourselves.
3/ We already covered that all science (pro and anti) uses the same scientific principles and processes, with similar limitations and assumptions in their methodologies. If you attack the science that is termed “anti” to your cause w/o debating the specific issues with each specific paper – you are actually eroding your own support for any science that may be more forgiving towards your potential impacts – as well as demonstrating your ignorance and belligerence to everyone on this forum.
4/ Be careful when carrying burning swords – they cut both ways. If you demonstrate a lack of understanding of the issues and an inability to work with others – you are ill-suited for the more inclusive, open processes that are coming at you. DFO is developing new aquaculture advisory processes where you will be called on your BS – like this site. GET USED TO IT!!
In order to continue existing you will need to listen and respond openly and honestly to others; DFO is developing Aquaculture Management Advisory Committees (AMACs), which will advise the development of the Integrated Management of Aquaculture Plans (IMAPs) for finfish and shellfish. If you cannot listen and respond openly and honestly to others – you will be replaced with someone who will, and you can relearn the fetus position in your unemployed closet. Your days of of getting your way by shooting the messenger and being aggressive, combative and belligerent will soon be over. Thanks to the posters on this site who have demonstrated this behaviour to the readership on this site who care about wild salmon, and remember you are an example of how responsive, professional and mature (or NOT) your industry is.
4/ Open net-cage technology is on it's last legs in BC, and we need to transition to closed containment – and it will happen whether or not you like it or not – so why not get on board so you can survive?
1/ It is up to your industry to prove that you either have no effects or risks to wild salmon stocks – and NOT us to prove that you do have effects. This is the basis of environmental assessments,
2/ The science is evolving, but there has been quite a bit of peer-reviewed and grey literature that indicates that open net-cage technology can pose significant risks to wild salmon stocks world-wide. The debate in the science is on how severe those risks are, and what is acceptable – rather than whether these impacts happen (we already discussed this on this thread). The fact that you don't like any particular researcher because their research puts your industry in a bad light is irrelevant and childish, and your approach fools nobody on this site, but yourselves.
3/ We already covered that all science (pro and anti) uses the same scientific principles and processes, with similar limitations and assumptions in their methodologies. If you attack the science that is termed “anti” to your cause w/o debating the specific issues with each specific paper – you are actually eroding your own support for any science that may be more forgiving towards your potential impacts – as well as demonstrating your ignorance and belligerence to everyone on this forum.
4/ Be careful when carrying burning swords – they cut both ways. If you demonstrate a lack of understanding of the issues and an inability to work with others – you are ill-suited for the more inclusive, open processes that are coming at you. DFO is developing new aquaculture advisory processes where you will be called on your BS – like this site. GET USED TO IT!!
In order to continue existing you will need to listen and respond openly and honestly to others; DFO is developing Aquaculture Management Advisory Committees (AMACs), which will advise the development of the Integrated Management of Aquaculture Plans (IMAPs) for finfish and shellfish. If you cannot listen and respond openly and honestly to others – you will be replaced with someone who will, and you can relearn the fetus position in your unemployed closet. Your days of of getting your way by shooting the messenger and being aggressive, combative and belligerent will soon be over. Thanks to the posters on this site who have demonstrated this behaviour to the readership on this site who care about wild salmon, and remember you are an example of how responsive, professional and mature (or NOT) your industry is.
4/ Open net-cage technology is on it's last legs in BC, and we need to transition to closed containment – and it will happen whether or not you like it or not – so why not get on board so you can survive?