My next toy boat....



My next toy boat is on it's way - it should be here in a week or two. I can't wit to get itout on the flow! It should be perfect for me and my buds - pontoon boat on steroids!!

Ps. If I am happy with the results of the Zego, I will be selling my waterskeeter River Guide stay posted!

they look fun. I was in the shop early this morn grabbed a few things but missed you. Ill drop by again on thursday im gonna pick up a new net if your in. Dad just got me a sweet 75$ net with extendable handle but the hoop diameter is only 24 or so inches. I used it once and could barely net a 17lber. Great sockeye or coho net but useless to me[V]
Hay ya Kelly - Darren said that you were in...I've been doing the late shift. I'll be there every day till Friday. I showed Darren the stuff that I have set aside for you and will show the other guys in the morning - just incase I miss you again. Field testing goodies...

RVP dropped in today and picked up a sweet net and those demos. They look awsome thanks ill try them out tommorow. The little pink ones look good for the canal and qualicum mouths:D
...yeeehoo! It just cleared customs and should be here in a few days give or take - oh, man am I ever excited! I can't wait to customize it and have it powered. for cost - that has yet to be determined as I'll have to finalize the overall costs of shipping [frieght/PDI],etc. This said, you will be able to see, touch and feel the boat some time in the next week at the Screaming Fish & Fly - "Nanaimo's Sport Fishing Centre". Screaming Fish & Fly is the first dealer to set up, sell and accessorize the Zego sports boat in western Canada.

I'll keep you posted as things progress...
RVP ;)
Shoot me an E when you're going to try her out locally Rob. I'd VERY much like to see this one in person! Looks like one SWEET ride!! Congrats!! :D

Where are the pictures??
quote:Originally posted by RVP

Oh ya! It just cleared customs and it is on it's way to the shop...not only that but Zego USA reps are supposed to be here today or tomorrow...they are towing a totally rigged out boat with them...this will be absolutely cool!!!

I can't wait - I feel like a little kid getting his first kiss...wait, let me get my little skirt on so I can cheer, "" LOL

Thanks CA, I still love you!;)[8D]:D whats the $$$$.?
