YouTube is a labour of love unless you have the equipment, marketing experience, technical knowledge, writing skills etc. and most importantly the correct niche to launch a channel and start producing quality content that people will watch. Or have connections or cash or both to be able to put a production crew together. RPM (revenue per 1000 views) depends on the category of videos you create as well, some niches like finance pay a lot better. There's a lot of survivor bias at play there with channels that blow up. Tons and tons that don't make it, or have a middling amount of subscribers and income. Most YouTubers making a comfortable income have been absolutely grinding away creating quality content for years before YouTube becomes their primary source of income. Having worked in production for over a decade, I have often considered it, since I have or know people who have the skills listed about, but ultimately I'm not that passionate about creating content, nor I am willing to spend all of my free time doing it. There is a TON of work that goes into making a video, and the competion and production values on YouTube are at all time highs. Unless you're passionate about making videos, or have money and a crew to execute your vision, I wouldn't recommend anyone try to do it with the goal of financial success in mind. Might as well just buy lotto tickets lol. Look at guys like FishingWithRod, who have been making excellent fishing content for a very long time. I doubt he's getting rich off 75k subs.