Maiden Halibut trip, Victoria area late May…

Following the line of thought: why circle hooks? Those work fine for commercial long lining, but why for sport fishing when you're watching the gear anyway?
I switched to J hooks roughly 4 years ago and would never go back to circle hooks. I find much better hook-up ratio with J hooks, but I also enjoy watching the rods like a hawk.
Following the line of thought: why circle hooks? Those work fine for commercial long lining, but why for sport fishing when you're watching the gear anyway?
Easy to release big one
landing ratio way higher once hooked
Don’t hook a lot of the **** fish
Don’t need tandems and have hooks flying around once fish in boat
Way less harm to bigger fish that can’t be unhooked (don’t have hooks in there guts or gills)
Have time at side of boat to look,measure, take pictures
Barely have to keep line tight most the time if you have new people on board

Don’t catch the bait stealing **** fish
Miss the odd light bite (which would probably shake off anyways)
I go back and forth. Last few hali we have got on J hooks but I like the ease of circle hooks if i'm solo or with someone new as I they seem to hook themselves and I don't have to watch the rod all the time.