Langara fishing question?

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hey- throw me some help here pls.

Third week of June- at Lanagar- is this a good time for the BIG Springs or a little too early? what say?

thanks in advance
Well..3rd week of June should be good. I guided at Langara Island professionally for 4 seasons while I was getting my post secondary degrees, and I can tell you that fishing isn't what it used to be up there, and things have changed quite a bit in recent years. Last year wasn't a good year...the even the guys using downriggers had to SCRATCH for fish.

However, in the 3rd week of June, the average size of the springs around there will be between 20 and 25 lbs. You will probably have to try hard to find a TYEE relatively speaking. The first Coho will start to show, and you'll probably find a couple or a few if they're a bit early, but I wouldn't expect lots of Coho at that time. Otherwise, you should be in for some pretty consistent spring action. The absolute best time for fishing @ Langara I personally would say is July 8 to August 23...If you check out the catch stats of the lodges on the islands and the fishing'll see that that STILL holds true.

What lodge are you going to fish with? West Coast Fishing Club? Oak Bay on the Marabelle or Charlotte Princess? Langara Island Lodge? Langara Fishing Lodge? North Island Lodge? West Wind Tugboat Adventures? or one of the opportunists?

I know that island like the back of my hand..and if you want I can give you some good advice...
I would somewhat agree with what fishin magician has to say. With my many summers spent in the area my favorite time to fish was always around the July 1 weekend. The third week in june does include summer solstice(sp), I've had great days around this time also.
Oak Bay- CPRincess

3rd week June- was made a pretty good offer but guess it is because mostly the cookiecutter 18-15 Springs and no HAWGS- if I read everything righthere.
We were with the same people last year - 1st week Sept- and ALL the big fish were gone- and water temps were pretty high- all Springs caught were down pretty deep.

It sure is a beautiful place tho

thanks for info so far guys- wud like to hear more if any have it

who did you work for Magician?
The most 40's and 50's...are caught in July and August. Tyee's are usually the most plentiful then too.

Knowing a couple of lodge owners and managers up there, and possibly slipping up for a couple of weeks this summer in July, I'd have to say that without a doubt...July and August have the biggest fish.

Depends on your point of reference..what is big to you?

At any rate, bar none, if you're a competent fisher, on any given day, you shouldn't have a problem to go out there and hook bar none the most springs ANYWHERE on the coast for fishing time. I remember one morning having 4 anglers on my boat, heading off Coho Point and in 4 hours, we had 38 Springs on and over 30 to the boat of which all were well over 20 lbs, and 4 "slot" fish under 77cm. In that stretch, the guys decided they wanted to go for Hali's in the afternoon at high slack so we went back to the dock with 4 springs in the high twenties, and 4 springs from 75 to 76 cm.

They went for lunch, a hot tub, beer and a snooze. We went out for the afternoon hali fishing and came back with 8 Halis from 15 to 30 lbs. The absolute BEST eating! By this time it was only 5 o'clock and we headed out and found a mess of Coho from 8 to 12 lbs a few minutes from the lodge, and they were back at the lodge well before dinner for cocktails.

Anyways, 3rd week of June is a good trip to book.
BIG to us- is over 40-

we have caught 14 in the 50's and 60's and HER biggest to date is 75 (Kenai) but my biggest to date in BC waters is in 40's- I did however succeed at knocking off my largest BC Spring ever last year- we had many views of it- and guessed 60-65 lbs at Rivers INlet- and yes I did it not her!!! oh well thats fishin eh?

We have a choice to go to Langara - 3rd week JUne on CPrincess or at Kano INlet on Salmon Seeker last week of June- which wud you take if you just wanted to go for hawgs- but HAD to take one of those trips (expensive to have a wife for a partner!)
Your chance at big boys greatly decreases on the Westside compared to Dixon Entrance. Stick to Langara or Naden Harbour if you wamt to wack em big boyz! Your number will greatly increase at kano but weather and size might be a factor.
Well..if you're looking for big boys..I wouldn't waste your time at Langara...if anything...there's at best 5 over 60 to be found in a whole season among all the lodges. If you're looking for something over 40...get ready to fish from as soon as they'll let you off the dock to dusk...and fish away from all other boats.

Certainly hope you're not wanting to kill those over 40....
Thanks info all

Not to worry Magigian- we caught over 120 Springs last year in BC and kept 6- we caught 19 Over 40 on the Kenai last year and kept one. we usually let most of what we catch go-

Depends greatly on the season. I have seen 5 fish over 60 pounds caught in one day in the Naden Harbour region a few years back, in that same year the 2 lodges combined to hook almost 180 fish over fifty pounds in a 100 day season! But on the flip side of that they all had a horrible big fish year last season with only a fistfull over the fiddy mark.
It's more likely that you'll never see a day like that again. I remember guiding one particular year before the slot fish regulation and it was very simple...if it wasn't a Tyee..we weren't going to kill it. Unfortunately, fishing @ Coho Pt. meant that if you hooked a 30 + it was the law of averages. Unfortunately for unlucky me...this guy had horseshoes you know where and every time his rod went off, it was a contender...morning he killed a 39, and a 37. I almost wanted to cry! Unfortunately, the next morning again, a 33 lber finds his rod again. Then on the last morning, a 31.

I purposely cut my herring with a faster roll, and trolled a lot faster to try to avoid these big fish..but still unfortunately they hit.

Consequently, when I guide up there, I start with the "if it's a big fish" lecture and the gene pool depletion, etc etc...
So tell me Magigian-

you said if I needed any "inside scoopes" to let you know? we are going to go with the C. Princess- 3rd week June- can you share some knowlege to us? As relates for looking for the bigger fish?- I promise we won't kill more than ONE large one- if tha we'll take a few of the low 20 cookiecutters back home for our freezer and local foodbank- BUT the hunt for the big one is a fine thing in the beautiful BC waters!

thanks ahead
Hey magician,
Do you figure you catch smaller fish with a fast roll? From most of the guides at Langara they try and get their baits to roll as fast as possible trolling as slow as possible.Do you still work up there right now? Sheephunter if you are going to try and make your odds higher at catching a big fish I would fish the Graham Island shoreline. Like Boulder bay, Gunia point all the way to Chanal Reef. You could fish the zoo around Cohoe pt. Thats where all the guides with riggers usually fish cause they get pushed out of the pass by weighted rods. And its a lot easier for them cause its no brainer fishing. Boulder bay was the sort of hot spot last year with the most fiftys coming from there. If you have any questions just e-mail.

Edited by - chrome dome on 04/02/2006 10:49:22
Edited by - chrome dome on 04/02/2006 11:19:09

Edited by - chrome dome on 04/02/2006 11:24:04
As for how seasoned guides cut plug up there, there are several different rolls..and the fast rolls catch more Coho and smaller fish. As for the example I had, as serendipity would have it, big fish took those because they happened to be swimming by and those Tyees weren't hooked where Tyees are normally hooked up there.

Chrome Dome..have you guided up there? I have several seasons under my belt, and using riggers or weighted rods is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT when it comes to fishing and hooking big fish--and the Langara operation is one of the first operations to knock downriggers as they're not necessary to catch fish up there. That's a fact..but they definitely DO make a difference. I've been in Bruin and hooked my guests into a double of 50's, landed 'em both, MEASURED and RELEASED both of those fish within 4 minutes of eachother. As for Boulder Bay being the Hot Spot...that's just 'cuz theres more surface area to fish relative to other spots along that shoreline..and it doesn't require as much knowledge of how to fish the other spots..and the Springs are chasing the needlefish and candlefish in there. By the way, if you've fished up there for long or worked up there for long, you'd know that certain guides catch more big fish than others combined, and have the area knowledge and know how to do it over and over and over again. I've seen more than a few contract guides and newbies get up there and pop off that they outfish everyone and slag downriggers this and downriggers that..particularly when it's the guys with the downriggers hooking fish at 10 to 1 over weighted rods. Anyways, I've fished weighted rods and downriggers in multiple operations up there, and I've done just as well either way.

I've worked for multiple operators up there using riggers and weighted rods etc.., everyone except Bob Wright's Oak Bay Operations and to be honest, that guy thinks he's god's gift to sportsfishing---and I will never work for him and I've told him that to his face. I still fume over how unsportsmanlike his ethics are....and I remember him fouling my guests' lines when we had a double on and he REFUSED to move out of the way. Let along asking his employees to go fish for his lodge's dining rooms.

Anyways...there's a whole lotta talk on these boards about big fish all over the place up there. yadda yadda yadda..and people are weighing fish with their eyeballs left right an center on these boards and to be honest it's kinda laughable for any guide that has really fished the waters up there...and actually..I'm kinda repulsed by big fish this and big fish that..that's just not the way it is up there among guides. A few years ago it was fantastic for big fish up there, but to be honest, that's not the way it's going to be forever. Years ago you NEVER EVER saw a 20 lb fish up there. Now, many trips, guests are taking out 2 salmon in the low 20's and "slot" fish and then bottom fish galore because there isn't a whole lot of bigger fish around or a lot going on. That's why the boats are changing to boats with shelter because the fishing is going downhill and you HAVE to keep your guests happy. It's an early warning sign.

Anyways...have fun at Langara, and I'd recommend if you're interested in producing HUGE fish, I'd recommend fishing solitary, and paying VERY close attention to how SENIOR guide boats fish some of those "special" spots. To be honest, I'll give you a little known secret, the best guides up there can hunt down and produce a lunker at will, and only take selective guests to those spots only and only if they commit to releasing the fish or the guide knows that a BIG tip is on the line. By the way, if a guide has only fished Langara for 1 or 2 seasons, he'll hook you plenty of fish, but probably lack the key area knowledge to find a lunker..and often times the "junior" guides up there are the ones popping off lots because they've never had it so good...and it's nothing to be popping off for all they are really only doing "par" for the course. Luck? Yes there is luck involved...but then again..skill is much more relevant and important to success for big fish or otherwise.

If you want big fish, go to Rivers Inlet and you have a much better chance of catching a monster over 50 or 60. As for looking for a HOG, and wanting to bonk it..that's your perogative..but it's not the reason you should be booking a trip to the Queen Charlottes IMHO, let along Langara. Langara bar none on any given day can and will provide you better fishing than ANY other location on the coast---and that's why you book a trip to Langara. If you're looking for a trip for meat hunting, be prepared that the owners may not sell you a trip next year--the owners pay attention..and so do the lodge managers. Anyways...if you really want to fish for HOGS I'd recommend QCL who prides themselves on slaughtering anything over 40 not to mention extremely rare 70 and 80lbers.

Anyways, the point of my post isn't to be criticize or chastise, but that's what I did in places in this post, but in a world where I believe a resource, location and sport I am passionate about is being trivialized and threatened even by well meaning sport fishers, it's upsetting and concerning to me.

Tight lines on your fishing adventure to Langara, take lots of pictures, and remember what will probably be the trip of your lifetime.
I'd recommend QCL who prides themselves on slaughtering anything over 40 not to mention extremely rare 70 and 80lbers.

I doubt i need to tell you because you know everything about the area but last year their biggest fish were released and they have prizes for people that release anything over 30lbs. They definatly support C&R even if some of their guest want to kill big fish. I think most lodges there are people that will keep big fish no matter what they are told. Are lots of guest not wealthy people that dont know everything about fishing?
Hey magician, No probs man I wasnt slaggin ya for anything. Its really good to hear about how you think about big fish and how they should be released. I have been guiding at Langara now for a few years so we might have actually passed each other. On the point that you mentioned about Joke Bay I think a lot of guys would agree with you. Anyways are you still guiding up there now or have you moved onto bigger and better things? By senior guides up there are you tallking about maybe Bullwinkle or Basil? Screamer perhaps? I know for sure the first two do produce at a very good certainty. They were great guys to learn off of. The pass this year was funny on the fish that they produced. But Boulder was the more consistent and Gunia but the fish weren't hooking around and heading for Bruin. Bruin usually is the best producer for big ones hey? Anyways hope I didn't **** ya off too much that was not my intention. Would like to hear some more stories of big ones. My bud that guided up for years told me about one summer that he had up there where he caught a sixty every week four weeks in a row. Wish I was up there in the old days. Five years ago up there was good though wasn't it? Lookin forward to hearing your reply.
Hey..I wasn't actually all that ticked off..but I know all those guys....

Anyways..I may have the chance to return next year F/T. I've moved on from the fishing guide can't do it forever...however I usually make a guest appearance up there every year for a trip or two....although I've been MIA for about 2 years.

Anyways..I wouldn't qualify myself as an old guy..but I have some of the fondest memories from my seasons up there.

As for QCL, well...I know a couple of the guys there and they're kinda fanatical about big fish...and speaking with a couple of the guys over there..there is a prestige thing going on about bonking knee knocker etc...

Joke Bay...hilarious lot they are up there.