Langara fishing question?

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As previously being a QCL Guide, I do take offence to the thought that It is a slaughter hole and we promote that. It used to be bad early in the 90's for that but myself and a few others (also on this site) worked very hard at promoting a C&R Lodge and QCL has probally the most large fish releases out of any on the coast. Check your fact there magician. I know that some off those Langara boys thing that there *^%& don't stink and they got it some much better that Naden lodges... nothing like craming into Coho Pt. with 100 other boats... gotta love it!
is that u Capt MOrgan? Its gettin busy on that whole coast. I also very rarely fish coho pt. it is a gong show there

Edited by - chrome dome on 04/02/2006 17:44:47
I fully support with what Yo mama said. You have to remember that not all lodges are "fully guided" therefore some bigger fish get bonked.
Yo Mama..all you have to do is check out the publicity photos for QCL and you'll see exactly what I mean. By the's not like Langara has like 2 fishing spots like! Anyways..say whatever you's Langara, and I've fished it to know that there isn't anything better, and if there is, I've never heard ANYONE state so or offer any kind of conclusive evidence.

Whine about Coho Pt all you want...I've been there with 100 boats and seen 80 of the 100 boats hooked up on SPRINGS for 2 hours straight..doubles..triples...etc..

Coho Pt. can be a gong show..but bar none..where else can you fish any point of your choosing and hook as many springs as you want all day long? friend..I've guided a few guests that were at QCL a few times..and they converted in a hurry!'re right, QCL does have good fishing and I'm not going to deny you that.

At any rate, having a catch and release program is one thing, but having guests that use it is another.
Of course your going to show big fish in advertising, you think holding a 12 pound spring is going to sell. People go on these trips for the chance at a big one. I didn't say that Langara dosn't have the best fishing on the coast, in my opinion it by far beats out most spots for produtivity. I've spent many a day up your way and have had great days and poor days and hands down Langara has it all with sheltered waters, lots of fish and a short run to the grounds. Yes QCL host about 50% unguided guests in which you cant force them to release fish. Most of the guides bend over backwards to release as many big ones as they can and shouldn't be put in a lesser light because of advertising showing the odd big dead spring. Every lodge shows off there big ones in adds, even all of the Langara lodges.
True enough.
Speaking of Langara....from what I hear someone has already broken 60 lbs up that way. This guy was out in Masset after putting the boat in the water from winter storage (while up from Washington State via standby)..and they ran to Bird 1. Apparently it went 61 lbs...on the scale!

Sheesh.. that's probably a Skeena fish this early...
Fishn Magician your way off. The program at QCL is not about killing big fish and all the guides there go out of their way to talk guest out of killing big fish. We always tell the guest if they want to kill fish to kill 20 pounders. As for the photos Magician its the nature of the business. How many local guides show pictuers of a Swiftsure blood bath, you ever seen the picture on the post at Fitters. I don't know who from QCL you were talking to but the guides do not feel "prestiege" about killing hogs! Do we want me to send you a brochure of the Catch 2-2-2 program?

Edited by - luna on 04/07/2006 08:53:17
Fishn Magician your way off. The program at QCL is not about killing big fish and all the guides there go out of their way to talk guest out of killing big fish. We always tell the guest if they want to kill fish to kill 20 pounders. As for the photos Magician its the nature of the business. How many local guides show pictuers of a Swiftsure blood bath, you ever seen the picture on the post at Fitters. I don't know who from QCL you were talking to but the guides do not feel "prestiege" about killing hogs! Do we want me to send you a brochure of the Catch 2-2-2 program?

Dude, the first lodges that had a C and R program worth a salt was the West Coast Fishing Club..and Langara Fishing Adventures because at the time they started those one else was doing it..and their C and R programs in terms of numbers released are second to none. According to DFO results that I've seen, QCL killed plenty big 'uns and all I'm going to say is....I'm not way off when I know a couple of guides up there who say what they say. I've guided plenty up there, and I know what it's like when guides are putting it in eachother's face about big fish etc...

By the way long have you been guiding up there...we may know eachother...I did a trip over there.

Edited by - luna on 04/07/2006 08:53:17
Hey magician ar you goin to be doing any trips up at Langara this year? If so for which lodge? Yo mama and kelly are you guys still guiding up there? What is the program that is run at QCL if a guest releases a big fish? Does he receive anything for it? At Langara Lodge if a guest fishing with a guide releases a fish that measures over fifty then the lodge will get a replica mount made for them or give them an engraved islander reel with the weightof the fish and so on or they will give them the equivalent in canned salmon. Also what is the formula that u guys use down there on the measurments. I heard that Peregrine was using a bogus formula like girth squared times length divided by like 700 or something like that. I had a guest last year comee up to our lodge and said that he caught a fish that was maybe thirty and his guide measured the fish and said it was forty. He is now no longer going to fish there. Our formula that everyone uses is to devide the equation by 800. Pretty close number with the weight on the scale. Usually the fish on the scale is a couple pounds bigger. Not trying to raise any hairs but I was just wondering. Heard that there are good numbers of fish being caught up there right now with some nice tyees being caught. Startin to get excited.
I'm going to make sure I get up for some trips for sure.

It'll be nice to get up for some fun...a working vacation...if my cards play out right..I may be up for more than a trip or two...depends on whether I manage to land this new job with a big corporation...... :) :)

Anyways...the pioneers of the C and R program was Rick Grange and Brian Legge's West Coast Fishing Club and then I believe it was LFL and LIL following almost immediately after.

Actually..if all works out well..I'll have my dream boat and be fishing off the Charlottes....Langara Island with my personal boat.. :) :)