Kyuquot Fishing and Adventure Pics


Well-Known Member
These are in no particular order....and as I looked through my pics I really didn't take all that many pics of fishing/fish?!?[:eek:)]

But anyhow; here is the was pretty good when we could get offshore but the fish weren't of any real substantial size. We did get some hali's on the troll as well as plenty of teenage springs in the 10-22ish pound range. I had the young 'un demco99 with us on the trip as well.

So here goes.....

To get started; my GF thought it was pretty cool driving a float plane over the road. I kinda missed out on the excitement but she wanted a pic.


And we were off.....leaving the muddy "Salish Sea" waters behind and on to the waters of the WCVI.


I'll say it every time I fly over the Island; it is a pretty beautiful place. I spend a fair bit of time over there for work but when you are running around Vic, Nanaimo etc you kinda forget about this part.



And the scenery changes as you get closer to the coast.


And....coming into Kyuquot.


This is a shot or two of "home" for the next week.


We didn't waste much time and got out for an evening fish.....this guy came to the boat in pretty short order and was needed as there a few meals that were to be "fish" of some kind or another.


Up early the next morning as we were all pretty anxious to get out as the winds were calm and the skies beautiful


There was a lot of trash talking between those of us using "flashers and rigs" vs a friend and an NHL'er and their "cut pluggin".

Here is the plugger doing his arts and crafts.


And so the fishing was "on".


And the Hardy's at side for a plug, one for my set up and one top water line; just for the hell of it.


ANd it didn't take long for my GF to "assume the fighting stance".



And a smiley for her to start the day.


And here she is giving demco a lesson on cleaning fish....ha ha.

Hey Pippen, where did you find that one....:D:D Great pics, thanks, SS

I am pretty sure demco borrowed a few fish from my boat for this shot.


A few happy people.


Myself gettin' to work.....I always wear the pink shirt on sunny days so people can tell where I am out there.


The obligatory Hawkins Cheezies which always seem to make it onto the boats in Kyuquot.


Here is demco playing guide for our "host"....note his techinical offshore gear.


And....he actually got her into fish!!


So the kid wanted to come out with "Senior" I showed him how we do a double header.

We had great eats as well........this was a big dinner for about 12 of us that we whipped up.



We had a few excursions....this is from Hiast Island.





And our BIG excursion day up to the Brooks Peninsula.

Our guest of honor....good ole NHL boy was giving a wave to the fans.


The WCVI's answer to the crop circles of the prairies....."we are not alone". [:p]


Some shots of the beach once we got there......and it was HOT!!



And we had 3 visitors....that gave one a couple of the crew a bit of a "wake up call" when they were out in the kayaks.


A few more of the visitors once we got back out on the boats.




Comin' back home after a day at the "beach".


Snapped this one on the way home of my "new" set up which I was VERY happy with.


Here it is "at work".


demco got to take a spin one day as well....always laugh at the "numbers" on the plane.


The view from the "cigar lounge" after a long day.....getting buzzed by demco.

Here are a last few shots at the end of the trip flyin' back.



Gettin' an aerial "lay of the land" for the next excursion with one of the members here.


And a last couple from Tuesday afternoon.



Great week with good friends, good fishing (numbers at least), good food in an absolutely spectacular area.

My apologies for there not being more fish pics.....I was too busy changing demco's diapers on the boat and reading bedtime stories to him when he was done with his colouring books. [:p] [:eek:)]
Wow, awesome photos! That one sandy beach looks like from a tropical travel brochure! So how did you get a boat and a floatplane up there?
quote:Originally posted by chris73

Wow, awesome photos! That one sandy beach looks like from a tropical travel brochure! So how did you get a boat and a floatplane up there?

The boats are part and parcel with the lodge that my GF's sister is "shareholder" in. We flew in with SeaAir and the other plane is owned by a friend who was in with us.

Last year we took the plane for a "freshwater" soak at one of the inland lakes that is I "think" where demco went on his flight. It's a fun "toy" to have with you to jump in and go exploring. [8D]
quote:Originally posted by Striper Sniper

Hey Pippen, where did you find that one....:D:D Great pics, thanks, SS

Ha ha....that's what fish bonkers are for! [:p] ;)

She is still confused when she wakes up next to me how she got there!! [:eek:)]
I forgot about this pic........we found evidence of what they are usin' on the other side of the "pond" as their fish attractant![:p] ;)

What did that old commercial say?? "Ancient Chinese secret".[:eek:)]

Great pics.... I am headed there tomorrow. We go past KSL often as it is just before going into the bay. I know the caretaker there. I recognize "surfers beach" on the Brooks from your pics. I had the same experience when I was in Kyuquot at the end of June. Lots of fish but they were smaller than usual. Lots of hatchery fish also. after looking at your pics, I am all warmed up for the trip!
quote:Originally posted by Malibuguy
I know the caretaker there.

Do you mean Jeff or Adam? Adam who is living in the caretaker's quarters does a bit of stuff for the lodge but it's mostly Jeff this year who is taking care of things.

I just met Adam for the first time this year but he is a LONG time friend of mine's nephew...great kid and has turned into a pretty good guide. [8D]
quote:Originally posted by Malibuguy

It is Jeff that I know. He is a local kid that is friends with my kids.

Yup...just kinda met Jeff this year. I have known Luke for a few years though; both of them are 2 of the nicest, most polite guys. [8D]