Jervis Inlet


Well-Known Member
Hi All..

Just curious if there is any salmon fishing to be had up Jervis Inlet? I have never tried fishing up there, but we are cruising for the next 11 days and will be making a trek up to Princess Louisa. Just wondering if it is worth dipping a line this time of year? We may head Desolation way as well, but there is not set destinations as long as we don't run out of beer, then it is making a straight line to the closest "store".;)

If anyone can just give a "yes" or "no" to any prawning up that way it would be appreciated. I have plenty of time to "test" different spots, but just curious if they are up the inlet at all?

Thanks all and hopefully I'll have some good pics and stories from the trip.
There are lots of bottom fish and prawns up those inlets. I have an old book from the 60's with a few chapters about the hot salmon spots around the Egmont area. I took the family there 5 summers back. The only people "fishing" were getting sea urchins at low tide. I trolled around without a sounder, lost gear and hooked a few rockfish. I switched to mooching dead herring near bottom for whatever would bite. To my surprise I got a 32 lb red spring around the corner from Egmont Marina about half way to the ferry dock. Not really expecting to catch salmon, I forgot the net, so I had to tail it. Flukey, yes but if you're there, why not give it a try.
Hi Pippen.

If perchance you are entering Hotham Sound and are fond of oysters, send me a pm and I'll give you a place to try..

Prawns like a rocky bottom and about 3-4 hundred feet with steep sides. Get the traps at the bottom of a cliff and you're in business if any are at home. Get the traps down 1 1/2 hours before a tide change and get them up 1 1/2 hours after. Prawns hunt/eat on slack water; humans hunt traps that are unattended.[xx(]

Fished Saltery Bay side of Nelson a lot as a kid and had quite a bit of luck around 60-75 feet with a gold hootchie. Prawning was also good off egmont for prawns around 300 ft. Makes me think about going back to that area and trying my luck.
Fishing right now along North end Texada and Grants Reef, Harwood is awesome. If you do decide to hit Desolation try the light at Texada at a tide change. Good number of mid teens and some 20's of late.

Pippen just saw on another site you are going Blind Bay/Nelson Island. you really should have filled in the blanks.
Go around to the opposite side of Hardie across from Saltery Bay around the small islands of Hardie 75 feet with army truck coyote and wonderbread coyote. Early morning and late evening.