Is Bait Really Necessary?

quote:Originally posted by fisherman14

w/e. did you know what i meant???
and also.
your telling me, that you'd rather catch 5-10 fish in a day rather than 20-30 fish???
geet real! we're all fishermen. and more fish caught means more fun!
Maybe you should have your own net in June at Papermill!!??
What about the Species? AS I said earlier in another post,many of the old farts on the East Side of the ISland won't fish anymore because they can't kill fish and can't anylonger catch 20 fish a day>>>>some connection there!
heres a little story for you to enjoy, relates to the convo,i took my uncle out fishin one sat morn, we went to one of my favorite west coast rivers for some summer steelhead, we decided to just bring the flyrods along for this outin, well after a successful outing (for me), we were on our way home, my uncle wanted to stop and fish at the bucket for a coho or two, well when we got there , there were about ten guys on each side of the top of the run ( not the pool), i said to my self" theres no chance that i am going to ruin the day i just had and fish this sh&t", oh did i mention that the steelhead i had caught earlier, 3/3 where the first on a fly,so i just sat there an watched as drunken so called fishermen continualy snagged fresh chrome coho over and over again
ensure the future C&R
pretty much the name of the game when river fishing for salmon. The old classic - cast a spoon into a pool full of salmon and pretend to be disapointed that you snagged a fish.
YES!!! ...bait is good, bait is evil, bait is nessesary, bait is real, bait catches fish, bait is what hard baits are I sell bait? Yes...