Is Bait Really Necessary?

Thought I would go ahead and add my opinion on bait usage for steelhead. My friends and I bank fish the Stamp roughly 20 days a year, and the Cowichan maybe 10 for winter steelhead. We don't use bait, not because we don't believe in it, but because it just doesn't seem to be necessary. I will fish a pink worm in fast, heavy water, but predominantly it's variations of yarn and corkie all winter long. We rarely go a trip without at least one steelhead each, and usually if conditions are good (and we're on the Stamp) it's 3-5 between us. Maybe if we used bait the numbers would go up, but is it really necessary? 10-12 fish a day sounds like bass fishing to me. In order for it to be good sport, don't the steelies deserve to be on a level playing field? And BTW, regarding sleds, drift boats would be a great alternative that would still allow the guided sportfishing industry to thrive on the SSS. Also, it would give the steelhead some refuge water to escape fishing pressure, and make steelhead fishing more sporting. Just my opinions...
I think i caught more fish with yarn and corkies than the 3 times I tried bait. I can't seem to recall catching even one, my buddies did ok....altho I usually still did better than them.
Why ban bait????I use what ever method catches me the most fish,Bait can be good but it doesnt always outfish artificial.Its nice to have it in the arsnal.,:D
yea i agree sugar.
i don't know how many times i've out fished row. but i always like having row on hand, just in case those fish aren't biting.
ask almost any guide on the stamp. they'll tell you that they want bait in place.
and also. your only getting 5-10 fish days between 2 of you? sounds like u should be using bait. or your not great fisherman [:p]
lol i'm just playin. 5-10 fish days are pretty sweet. but think about the 25-30 fish days using row!:D now thats even sweeter
w/e. did you know what i meant???
and also.
your telling me, that you'd rather catch 5-10 fish in a day rather than 20-30 fish???
geet real! we're all fishermen. and more fish caught means more fun!
Unfortunatly to some of us it is about numbers,not enjoyment of the sport just imagine if everyone was catching those number do the math every fish would be getting caught multiple times
The 4 stages of a fisherman's life

1) Wants to catch a fish, any fish
2) Wants to catch lots of fish
3) Wants to catch BIG fish
4) Wants to go fishing, don't care if you get a fish or not
well..... i'm pretty young. so i don't think i'm at the don't care if i get a fish stage yet. i started fishing at 6 years old wanting to catch big fish. still at that stage. i skipped stage 1 and 2 [:p]
I dont really care if i catch fish or not.Its just about being out with friends and enjoying the day.
sugar mag is right. As much as I agree you go there to catch fish, they sure as hell don't call it "catching" do they? Its about the good times.
quote:Originally posted by fisherman14

lies!. you know u wanna catch a fish!

Not true, it really doesn't matter. For me, I would rather try something new and see if I can catch a fish that way. I've caught lots of fish in my life, had lots of big number days and caught large fish.

Honestly, if I'm not trying some new way of fishing for myself, I like to fish with people who are new to fishing and watch them catch fish.

For instance, I took a gal to a stream last year who is new to fly fishing. I helped her cast to a pool full of searun cutthroats until she hooked one that was 3/4 of the length of my arm. You couldn't have wire brushed the smile off her face and that, to me, was AWESOME!!