Important Victoria & Area SFAB Halibut Mtg Nov. 27

SRKW in vancouver, In and out of the fleet in about 2 mins, Video taken by me estimate to be about 150-200m

Casper no one is in bed with them, the simple fact is they throw money at a project to feed whales, end of story there. I just don’t agree with getting involved in crafting their protocals just as I don’t want them crafting ours.
Didn’t mean that there was any back room deal with them just that I don’t believe we should be all happy that just because they gave money to the net pen that they get a pass to got chase whales in the closures. And as I stated I don’t think that we should be using are limited resources to fight them either, but they shouldn’t be getting a free pass either. I have always thought that Chris has worked like s dog in this fight and will continue to support him in his fight, but I can’t support whale watchers chasing these whales day in and day out either
all I’m saying is that our bubble should have 2 parts for it to work. An outer section from 400 m to 200 m we can be in that zone but we should be engaged in pulling gear and getting out of the inner section which is a no go zone and which aligns us to comply with the current regs for all boats to stay 200m clear. Otherwise if the entire 400m bubble is a no go zone you have to see the whales 600 m out to get clear by 400m...that is just setting it up to fail.
Casper I agree that if these clousures remain permanent and it becomes apparent they will never come off, then I agree. Whales watchers, merchant ships, commercial boats, cruise ships. military all should be shut out. We aren’t there yet and my arguement is...the more who get excluded now it will only strengthen the governments position to keep them. They are standing on thin ice right now because we are the only group singled out...makes our case to end the clousures more plausible.
Casper I agree that if these clousures remain permanent and it becomes apparent they will never come off, then I agree. Whales watchers, merchant ships, commercial boats, cruise ships. military all should be shut out. We aren’t there yet and my arguement is...the more who get excluded now it will only strengthen the governments position to keep them. They are standing on thin ice right now because we are the only group singled out...makes our case to end the clousures more plausible.

I don't think they will be removed, unless Fraser Stocks improve. I know they advertise these closure for noise reason and prey acquisitions. I think originally they advertised them as an experiment where a number of study were going to be conducted. Not sure if that ever even happened.

I am sure everyone on here at their local meetings asked DFO to remove them. The response I got from DFO was basically laughter.
Fraser Stocks improving, now that is funny.
As noted elsewhere,

If anything the stocks are going to get worse and that will cause more closures.

This matter, the Fraser being raped will cause a closure like we have never seen.
Sturgeon due to this could get listed and sooner or later the demise of Chinook will have to be addressed by Sara.

I don't think they will be removed, unless Fraser Stocks improve. I know they advertise these closure for noise reason and prey acquisitions. I think originally they advertised them as an experiment where a number of study were going to be conducted. Not sure if that ever even happened.

I am sure everyone on here at their local meetings asked DFO to remove them. The response I got from DFO was basically laughter.
Just heard on the radio that the Feds just announced a 6.8 million dollar improvement to the Ogden Point cruise ship terminal that will allow even larger cruise ships to visit. Yeh they are really concerned about the acoustic noise in our locals waters.
Casper I agree that if these clousures remain permanent and it becomes apparent they will never come off, then I agree. Whales watchers, merchant ships, commercial boats, cruise ships. military all should be shut out. We aren’t there yet and my arguement is...the more who get excluded now it will only strengthen the governments position to keep them. They are standing on thin ice right now because we are the only group singled out...makes our case to end the clousures more plausible.
On the other hand maybe if it wasn’t just us being shut out there would be a hell of a lot more pushback. It only applies to us because we are considered the low hanging fruit and have a history of accepting their rulings. All the other users you mention would lawyer up and DFO knows their noise case is ridiculously weak and they’d likely lose.
If anything the stocks are going to get worse and that will cause more closures.

This matter, the Fraser being raped will cause a closure like we have never seen.
Sturgeon due to this could get listed and sooner or later the demise of Chinookll out will have to be addressed by Sara.
Yup, we are well down the slippery slope when the “ First Nations” were given the green light to net the hell out of the Fraser. Add in the pinniped infestation and the Fraser is screwed.
I doubt that river is going to recover
Ziggy did that work for the NGO's recently? Nope request denied. Now their lawsuit has been dropped against the government. I think you want to work with DFO until every avenue is exhausted, then you have nothing to loose.
Fraser Stocks improving, now that is funny.
As noted elsewhere,

If anything the stocks are going to get worse and that will cause more closures.

This matter, the Fraser being raped will cause a closure like we have never seen.
Sturgeon due to this could get listed and sooner or later the demise of Chinook will have to be addressed by Sara.

Heart of the Fraser? LOL, more accurately it should be named colon of the Fraser - last bit collecting **** before squeezing it out the anus! To pretend this gravel reach is anywhere near as productive or valuable as the hundreds and thousands of kms of spawning and rearing tribs in the Fraser system removes all credibility from these folks. I get it, you need to exaggerate in this day and age to get peoples attention but that publication is mostly garbage.

Pictures of standing water on Herrling that isn’t connected to the Fraser in any way or seining Harrison Chinook and sockeye downstream and pretending it relates to some clearing of poplars on Carey and Herrling, poplars that have been planted and harvested by Scott Paper for decades, is ridiculous. BCWF needs to do some diligence before aligning themselves with the “sky is falling” crowd driving this heart of the Fraser nonsense!


Didn’t mean that there was any back room deal with them just that I don’t believe we should be all happy that just because they gave money to the net pen that they get a pass to got chase whales in the closures. And as I stated I don’t think that we should be using are limited resources to fight them either, but they shouldn’t be getting a free pass either. I have always thought that Chris has worked like s dog in this fight and will continue to support him in his fight, but I can’t support whale watchers chasing these whales day in and day out either

From a practical perspective it would have been worse for us had the whale boats been banned from the whale fishing closed zone this past summer for those of us fishing in the 4 kilometers or so of fishing area remaining to us out of Sooke. Think about it, if the whale boats could not go there, where would they spend a lot more of their time? That's right, they would have spent a lot more time in the tiny little bit of coast that 'Trudeau the Lesser' left us. I don't know about you, but I was rather fed up combat fishing and playing bumper car boats last summer since we were were squeezed into such a small area. The last thing we needed was a couple of dozen large ocean racer whale boats with 150 foot rooster tails spending a lot more time running around our remaining fishing area mixed in with us, because they could not go elsewhere.
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You are supposed to move out of the way not sit dead in the water in their path, which the whales watchers can’t do either. Obviously there will be times when that is impossible for us. If they want to live with the public perception of their group lobbying to go back to 100m that is up to them. IMO that is a bad move but and will only hurt them...but that is their business not mine.

You are joking right, like all of us have never seen them do this
Last summer I was trolling along looking at my sounder when a loud blast of air sounded. (wasn't me)
a small group of Orca's surfaced about 50' behind the boat and dove directly underneath me.
I fully expected to see my gear break off and watched the downrigger lines vibrate briefly as
they swam by.
It all took about 30 seconds and couldn't be avoided.
Made me think they know a lot more than we give them credit for.
Ziggy did that work for the NGO's recently? Nope request denied. Now their lawsuit has been dropped against the government. I think you want to work with DFO until every avenue is exhausted, then you have nothing to loose.
Not all lawsuits are created equal. I would say any user that filed a case based on the fact they were being barred from an area for creating noise, well other users who created as much or more,were exempt, would have merit? Maybe I naively still believe in the courts! Why was the ENGO petition to the courts denied? That’s pretty relevant!

On another note, while the ENGO’s often threaten lawsuits, they don’t necessarily follow through. It’s often simply a ploy to gain media attention as well as the governments attention. You can rest assured their concerns are better known to the general public than are ours, and as well the government is treating them more seriously based on the fact they aren’t afraid to go to court. I suggest that although they cancelled the lawsuit, it served its purpose and cost them next to nothing. So who’s working the system best?

I’d also suggest if Whale Watchers, or commercial traffic were banned,as we are from specific area’s, they would lawyer up pretty darn quick! I’d also suggest DFO with its lack of acoustic data to support its policies would be easy pickings. Just IMHO.
They USED to do that. Since this while SRKW issue has become mainstream news and their organization has come up with guidelines and the gov has set rules as well I have not witnessed that behaviour. I’m sure it still happens with certain operators who push boundaries when they feel no one is watching. Just like the odd angler goes over the closed to fishing line or goes out and catches double limits of sockeye in a day. Eaxh will get caught eventually if they keep on doing it and will pay the price.
SV the bigger picture is getting more fish in the water and that is where I put most of my time. There are things going on that I can’t disccuss yet but if we are sucesssful it will be some very positive news, which is hard to come by these days.
SV the bigger picture is getting more fish in the water and that is where I put most of my time. There are things going on that I can’t disccuss yet but if we are sucesssful it will be some very positive news, which is hard to come by these days.
Like why there was a very important announcement that was put off because the whale watcher refused to accept the 400 meter guideline. FYI Pro that guideline is for the SRKW only not all killer whales, and a little more info they are only spotted approximately 20% of the time, you do the math!!!!
Every person on this forum myself included complains about anything that is forced onto us based on politics (DFO) or emotions (NGO's) and demand that decisions be based on science. But now we are going to force another group to accept changes to their business based on what? Science? NOPE. There have been no studies (yet) concluding that they or anyone else needs to stay more than 200m away, which is now the universal distance both north and south of the border. If scientific studies prove that isn't far enough then all of us should willingly accept any recommendations.
Good one Pro, how many shares do you have in the business. I think you need to get some sleep and start thinking straight