Crew Member
Searun, the terms of reference for the entire SFAB process is that the primary user shall have the deciding vote at the table. That means the reps will be 50% from the secondary users (industry - guides, lodge owners, manufacturers etc) and 50% from primary (Joe fishers) with the deciding vote going to primary. So when the vote would be held on the halibut issue..in the event of a tie the primary users would rule with the deciding vote. What is the make up of the SFAB process in the south coast as it sits now after the last round of elections? In Victoria and Vancouver there was an obvious hostile take over by the secondary users to remove primary reps. In other words industry wants to dictate the fishing season for everyone in BC. I hear the ration is now something like 16 secondary and only 4 primary. If so that is completely out of wack with the guiding terms of reference for these boards and must be fixed ASAP. Just putting this out their so all the Joe Fishers know what is going on!!!!
Are your meeting minutes from the spring shared on here with all Joe fishers?