Important Victoria & Area SFAB Halibut Mtg Nov. 27

I think you are right, if we did the survey in Vancouver, just imagine the outcome. We have some work ahead of us getting out facts about the value our fishery brings to Canada.
Think of it this way. There are around 3.5 million people in BC and less than 300k fishing licenses are sold to British Columbians each year. That’s less than 10% of the general population that actually fishes. Yes, we need to be careful about the message but I fully agree with the idea we need to never stop promoting the benefits of sport fishing to families and communities. It is definitely a focus of the SFI I can assure you.

On another note, I still don’t understand why some people still believe that the SFAB isn’t constantly telling DFO that more quota is the answer to our troubles. I think those same folks who rail against it also know that based on the guiding principles put forward by the anglers who bothered to speak out, that avoiding in season closures was something the Halibut committee was tasked with. If the majority of committees tell us to go back to 2 per day, 3 in possession with no size limit and whatever season results we could do that. But that’s not what we’re hearing. What we are hearing is that people want the biggest halibut possible with no in season closures. No surprise there. Looks like another split in 1/1 and 1/2 though so we’re looking at and modelling an option that may allow an angler to choose. Stay tuned.

I realize some of you don’t like it but the fact is that the SFAB is an advisory board not a lobby group. Accept that and move on. No one is forcing anyone to support or participate though I note a lot more are these days. I am confident that our fishery would be a lot worse off without it. If you want political action join a group that does that like the SFI which spent almost 3 weeks in Ottawa this year. And yes, halibut quota was definitely on the agenda.

If you want more TAC then stop the useless griping on forums like this and actually get involved. No group currently has the financial or Human Resources to battle all the issues we face right now. The current top priorities are SRKW and Chinook. If you want haliut quota to be more of a priority then become leaders and help make it happen.

Gotta take a look at shorter season too considering most sfac’s on coast from my understanding wanted it. But ya doesn’t reference option which would please both north and south coast.
Gotta take a look at shorter season too considering most sfac’s on coast from my understanding wanted it. But ya doesn’t reference option which would please both north and south coast.
You mean like half of July and half of August? That would really cut down the pressure on the TAC. Lol
From reading all the minutes people in general want the largest size possible besides that their does seem to be some dissagreement if people want a short season or a full season.

This is of course just the south coast, no idea what the north coast committees wants.

If I was on the halibut committee and I’m not. I would probably air on the side of caution and vote for a full season unless it meant the max size was like 40 pounds.

By having a full season you create less winner and loopsers and also avoid having to make the choice of opening the the season early vs late vs a shoulder season ect..

If you go for a short season and salmon fishing ends up being crappy you could smash all the halibut quota pretty fast. I think that’s especially true in a 1/2 scenario with a short season where lodges would make the effort to send people home with a ping pong paddle.

Will be interesting to see what happens
Agree fully! If the suggestion of the “choice”option can provided a larger 1/1 fish for those who prefer actually Halibut fishing ,while still providing a 1/2 option for those who prefer it, why would we not???

I mean let’s remember, No one is saying they want a 1/1 season. They are saying if 1/2 comes at the cost of a ridiculous max size like we had last year (or even smaller) growing the max by shifting to 1/1 is preferred.

It is not unreasonable to suggest that if you would like to keep 2 then your max size will need to be less than those willing to keep only 1. Assuming it models ok.

I sincerely hope this gets an oportunity. As I think it gives all anglers a little more choice and ability to enjoy the sport of it all.
I can't understand why anyone would want anything but 1/1 for a larger possession size ?
one decent size fish rather than a couple runts.

One 50lb+ fish will do me and my family just fine for a year...

I typically do one lodge trip a year and would rather just get one good sized Hali as quickly as possible to leave as much time to fish for salmon.

Spending a bunch of time searching for slot fish doesn’t appeal to me.

Last year I took home two “unders” since it was hard to find one near the higher slot size.
I can't understand why anyone would want anything but 1/1 for a larger possession size ?
one decent size fish rather than a couple runts.

not meaning to be sarcastic but don't you know? you used anyone as a general wordage,,, its not just anyone that wants two runts- its the lodges and a few guides that want to sell the experience of catching 2 halibut.

I would much rather hunt with a real gun for meat, than shoot squirrels with a pellet gun.

I still believe in total weight for the season. catch em any way ya can as it is not a conservation issue.
I can't understand why anyone would want anything but 1/1 for a larger possession size ?
one decent size fish rather than a couple runts.

I guess it's for the people who travel far to the coast. Better for lodges too, then customers can fish two days. Remember, Halibut, with the exception of the South Island is mostly a guided sport fish target. We are so lucky to have our Feb-May fishery here, it is about the only place a "regular guy" in a 17 footer can go safely fish for the things.

I'm for one big fish myself. But there are lots of places on the coast where the average raquet does not exceed 25 pounds..
It has happened many times in my boat where we had to let large halibut go then fish longer with more bycatch injuries to retain smaller halibut. If butts larger than 123 could be tagged on or cancel out two or three licenses it would cut back the fishing time and injure less fish in total. With one of my groups last year I fished two days for halibut with five guys. We released three large halibut and went home with none. The idea of purchasing quota came up often and it did start to seem more reasonable to have some on hand for such days when everyone just wanted to bring home a piece of fresh halibut. The fishing trip already cost lots of money, a hundred bucks more per person doesn't seem all that bad. Some people really do want to take halibut home to eat. When in the tail end of a fishing trip and given the option of going home to pay $40 a pound for halibut in a store or paying $7 a pound for the much fresher one laying beside the boat on the hook, most would just pay the quota price and be happy with it.