Im new and need help.

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Hey everyone, im new to fishing altogether so any help is welcome. ok I live in BC and have just started fishing in a little fishing place my friend told me about. There are lots of fish, but no matter how hard I try I cant catch any.. my dad had 2 bites but the line broke (used 10lbs by mistake) yet the person next to us caught 2 fish in 5 min. I dont know alot about lures or anything but we were just using a hook with some yarn and a small weight and 10lbs line... the guy next to us was using basicly the same thing. what am I doing wrong? PS the type of fish he was catching were Coho I believe. Also is there any specific type of fishing rod I should get, the fish weighted about 20lbs each.I dont wanna break my rod or anything.
BC is a big place-where do you live and where were you fishing?

that's why there's a warranty!
sorry I ment to include that in my last message. I live in Abbotsford BC, and I was fishing in Mission, but since I posted that message I caught a 36 inch Coho, so I was pretty happy about that.
One of the best tackle stores in BC is in Abbotsford if you have questions/need gear just ask the guys in Hub's-they are the greatest!

that's why there's a warranty!