Herring run

It should be any day now. I was just travelling over the bridges here in Vic and again saw nobody fishing for them in the Gorge. There seemed to be a pretty stiff tide running through though so maybe that's why.
if anyone sees herring around the nanaimo area id really appreciate a tip, gotta do some serious bait fishing.
Get your butt up to Ships Point, Bowser beachfront - the comercial guys should be about done based on what I saw today.

Hundreds of seiners in the tiniest area too. All just diggin' away.

Water is green for miles, birds everywhere...

Spring is sprung!

Gimee the gaff!!!
buddy of mine was on the bridge yesterday morning...
nothing, not even a bite
althogh i guess a flood tide is better

so anyone seen any herring off the nanaimo area?

gonna give it a shot either fri or sat this week...
Another HUGE ball off the Bowser Beachfront today and in Baynes Sound close to Henry Bay.

Might be ok still on the weekend for those searching...

Gimee the gaff!!!
For the Nan. area wait for the moon next week.. If it is clear it will be short and sweet..-dirty
herring run is in full swing right now. I just got back from a week in the punt. 100 tonnes of the little buggers and im finaly back home. We fished around Denman island most of the time.
herring run is in full swing right now. I just got back from a week in the punt. 100 tonnes of the little buggers and im finaly back home. We fished around Denman island most of the time.
Kelly a friend and I went to french creek where they unload the herring.we where upto our knees in herring on the beach of all sizes and we brought home 40 gallons of all sizes males and females, nice and firm except for the females, we seperated them all, bagged and froze going to have lots of prawn bait, whole, strip and cut plugs this year. better hurry before season ends or they go rotten-- good luck
Kelly a friend and I went to french creek where they unload the herring.we where upto our knees in herring on the beach of all sizes and we brought home 40 gallons of all sizes males and females, nice and firm except for the females, we seperated them all, bagged and froze going to have lots of prawn bait, whole, strip and cut plugs this year. better hurry before season ends or they go rotten-- good luck
Are they in Bains Sound or between Hornby and Denman, south of Denman?

Are they in Bains Sound or between Hornby and Denman, south of Denman?

yep there was definitly a lot of small fish this year. It was my first time fishing herring but yah a week is a long time, the weather didnt help either. We had to spend too much time sitting on the packer waiting for better weather and not enough working.