I agree with much of what Ian from Wild Pacific says regarding the stock and importance of getting the data right. Ceasing all harvest isn't the answer necessarily unless of course if the stock falls or is projected to fall below the Limit Reference Point (LRP). Also under provisions of the recently proclaimed Bill C-68, if stock assessment indicates the stock will drop below the LRP, then by law DFO will have to develop a re-building plan within 2 years that the Fisheries Minister must review and sign off on. So there are other new protective measures in law that bring even greater urgency to the Department to get it right.
Here are relevant sections of Bill C-68, which came into effect June 21, 2019.....this is the new way of doing business that we all need to pay close attention towards:
Fish Stocks
Measures to maintain fish stocks
6.1(1)In the management of fisheries, the Minister shall implement measures to maintain major fish stocks at or above the level necessary to promote the sustainability of the stock, taking into account the biology of the fish and the environmental conditions affecting the stock.
Limit reference point
(2)If the Minister is of the opinion that it is not feasible or appropriate, for cultural reasons or because of adverse socio-economic impacts, to implement the measures referred to in subsection (1), the Minister shall set a limit reference point and implement measures to maintain the fish stock above that point, taking into account the biology of the fish and the environmental conditions affecting the stock.
Publication of decision
(3)If the Minister sets a limit reference point in accordance with subsection (2), he or she shall publish the decision to do so, within a reasonable time and with reasons, on the Internet site of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Plan to rebuild
6.2(1)If a major fish stock has declined to or below its limit reference point, the Minister shall develop a plan to rebuild the stock above that point in the affected area, taking into account the biology of the fish and the environmental conditions affecting the stock, and implement it within the period provided for in the plan.
(2)If the Minister is of the opinion that such a plan could result in adverse socio-economic or cultural impacts, the Minister may amend the plan or the implementation period in order to mitigate those impacts while minimizing further decline of the fish stock.
Endangered or threatened species
(3)Subsection (1) does not apply if the affected fish stock is an endangered species or a threatened species under the Species at Risk Act or if the implementation of international management measures by Canada does not permit it.
Publication of decision
(4)If the Minister amends a plan in accordance with subsection (2) or decides not to make one in accordance with subsection (3), he or she shall publish the decision to do so, within a reasonable time and with reasons, on the Internet site of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Restoration measures
(5)In the management of fisheries, if the Minister is of the opinion that the loss or degradation of the stock’s fish habitat has contributed to the stock’s decline,