Exactly Fogged In, that is what the MSE is all about. Manage the fishery to ensure we only fish when there is a harvestable excess to spawning & ecosystem sustainability requirement. Close harvest when stocks are not able to be sustainably fished, and allow harvest to a level that is scientifically determined to be sustainable. The MSE is a far better approach than managing by emotion. Take a closer look:
I get it...and I have read the DFO management strategy. MSE
"For Pacific Herring, key uncertainties include: historical and future trends in natural mortality, steepness of the stock-recruitment (SR) relationship and SR functional form, potential changes in survey coverage and sampling, an unknown relationship between herring biomass and spawn survey index (estimated by the parameter q), and uncertainty in spatial population dynamics."
Easier to understand your point
"Close harvest when stocks are not able to be sustainably fished"
I think you are missing my point.
Herring stocks around Southern Vancouver Island are very low, brought about by the harvest as you call it., or do you care to deny it?
Herring in are in decline and it is a result of the harvest, or do you care to debate it.
An abundant stock of Herring around Vancouver Island would be beneficial to all, or do you care to argue it..
DFO have a very bad record of managing and assessing stocks accurately and consistently, or do you care to say otherwise.
You suggest I am driven by emotion...
"a far better approach than managing by emotion"
My argument is not based on emotion, but experience and first hand observation supported by MANY others!
I would ask...who gets to determine what is a healthy and acceptable level for the Herring Stocks and state emphatically that the present method of determination is not effective or beneficial to all!
Can you tell me if a heavy harvest of Herring in the Denman Island area will effect the abundance in Nanaimo, Saanich Inlet, Sidney and Victoria where Herring were once in abundance?