Hardy/McNeil Reports

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Didn't take any from Sat as we didn't have time at the cleaning station, clients had to get down to Nanaimo fast before hotel kitchen closed (where they were keeping their fish). Left camera on boat today...will have it tomorrow!!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
I'm confused...don't get ya :P Do I know you? haha!! And this must of been on Sunday, cause Saturday we slaughtered them, limited our clients out...it was pretty damn slow on Sunday! Kinda ridic! Other than that it's been great though!
Great to hear that fishing is better somewhere else....but no I won't charter you out....stop trolling will ya......:D:D
Up in the Peace country right know enjoying the weather and the moose and the wolves and the ....nope, no fishing...
Thats the point I was trying to get across too Blueorca. It's an info site, quit blowing your own horn and trolling for clients.[xx(]
quote:Originally posted by Big Joe

Thats the point I was trying to get across too Blueorca. It's an info site, quit blowing your own horn and trolling for clients.[xx(]

If you are refering to me, how was I blowing my own horn? And trolling for clients? I was telling everyone how we did out of Hardy! Where did I say "come fish with us"??! All that was said was how we did up there! And how do I know you Big Joe?

At least you have taken your web site links for your charter biz off your last couple of post's...Cool... For the average guy coming up here to fish, they are not capable of running to the fishing areas you are capable of in your awesome boat. And no, you don't know me as such, but I tried to introduce myself at the cleaning table, but since you had more fish then anyone else[8D], you were a little standoffish(hee hee)..I know I am a bit of a **** disturber, but it's all in jest, no worries. Will try to introduce myself again at the QD this weekend...Joe
Spam doesn't smell. it stinks! But cut in slabs and quick fried with a sprinkle of brown sugar on top, fried potatoes and a couple of egg's.....heaven
Alright, sounds good, feel free to intro yourself. And spam? What do you mean by that? By no means would I or my Dad (I'm the younger of the two David Summers) ever be standoffish, we may of been busy or something. And we run two boats, one out of Hardy, and one out of Coal Harbour (lately, sometimes they are both out of Hardy, depends on where best fishing is). So it isn't spam at all, I was talking about both!

Well CA, by no means was I trolling, we are fully booked now so it would be impossible to troll anyway. And as far as how we have been doing, it isn't a "false picture" at all. Just because people you know haven't been hitting em, doesn't mean that others haven't as well. Plus, true about the Duval and Castle though. Lots of Pinks and Coho. But not a week ago we hooked into 4 Springs in under 2 hrs there, one that was easily over 40lbs that was lost at the boat! Plus according to people I know up in the Charlottes, the fish are about 2-3 weeks behind this year, so they should be coming in hordes anytime soon!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
I do post factual reports. And the pics will keep coming as soon as I find my camera...it's somewhere on one of the boats..but where I'm not sure! Will download some pics our clients took over the last 2 days tonight, and post em either later tonight or tomorrow night!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
quote:Originally posted by Concerned Angler

The fishing in Hardy has NOT been red hot for chinooks this summer. Those that were able to head north, Mexicana, Slingsby etc did, in fact, do well during the time when spurts of fish moved through the area.

There have been some nice fish taken in closer waters, such as Castle and Duval, but nowhere near as good as last year. The highlight for this season HAS been the number of butts taken.

Concerned Angler, I appreciate the unbiased report. A group of us will be driving up next week and your report and additional facts are the kind of text that really helps.

Can you let us know how long of a drive it is from Port Hardy to the Coal Harbour side, in case we try that for a day or two.

Looking forward to visiting your great countryside.
quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

$10 for one launch out of Coal Harbour. Hope that helps,


Thanks for the information. Sounds like a good second choice.
For anyone that cares... We slammed dunked BIG-TIME!

Hali's weren't a problem. Chinooks; well it took me three days of scratching the kelp and rocks to find another 'new' spot (normal), but once on them, we hooked up possesion limits for three in two days. Of the eight Spring's we took home, 5 were at or over 30#'s, 2 were mid to high 20's and 1 was a teenager. Caught our 4 wild Hoe's but didn't find a hatchery fish. Out of all this action we only caught 4 pinks - Two of them got dedicated to catch Halibut. [:0]

Out early,,, run ~30 knts for 15 minutes,,, fished with NO other boats,,, back on the dock before lunch. LOVED IT!!!

Granted I'm not a local, but I found the fishing to be 'typical' of what I'm used to from the area. Freezer is FULL; I'm happy. [8)]
We got in just as that S. easterly diminished. Tides were 'wishy-washy' IMO for salmon fishing the 1st week. We didn't even try untill the following weekend of our stay.

Pond water for the ENTIRE duration... Like when does THAT ever happen!

;) :) :D
We got in just as that S. easterly diminished. Tides were 'wishy-washy' IMO for salmon fishing the 1st week. We didn't even try untill the following weekend of our stay.

Pond water for the ENTIRE duration... Like when does THAT ever happen!

;) :) :D
Can someone tell me if Coal Harbour is the location to get out where the light house is on the west side. I have usually come up the channel but am wondering about a better way.