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Seems like all the halibuts were caught on the west Coast Vancouver Island, I am wondering if halibut presented in the Strait of Georgia?

I thought there must be a reason why Halibut Bank named. I will check it out today to see if it lives to its name.

Just came back from the Bank, caught many good size soles, a yelloweye rockfish, and a Starry Flounder, but no sign of halibut. I tried Lucky jig with or without squid pieces, spreader rig with herring, and aged salmon belly, nothing worked on Hali. I did cover a vast area of the Bank. I think I will give it try before summer comes.


This is only a 'guesstimate'. I'd think if Hali's were to start occupying that bank again one might not expect them to show up until we were closer to summer. Maybe June or so to give em time to migrate up that far.

Have nothing to base this on...It's only a 'gut' feeling. <img src=icon_smile_8ball.gif border=0 align=middle>

Any sign of Springs out there while you were out???.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
quote:Just came back from the Bank, caught many good size soles, a yelloweye rockfish, and a Starry Flounder, but no sign of halibut. I tried Lucky jig with or without squid pieces, spreader rig with herring, and aged salmon belly, nothing worked on Hali. I did cover a vast area of the Bank. I think I will give it try before summer comes.

I thought that area was closed to Bottomfishing altogether.
It's closed for lingcod for sure.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
There are some around but not nearly enough to target. it would take a lonnnnnnnngggggggggggggg time to get one i would think. I heared that you could catch them off ballenas island in an area they do the navy test. They said you could only go out on sudays or something but i think the area is closed now.
Mr Dean,

No salmon around when I was there, but my sounder showed good bait schools; did not put much work to find them, they might have been lurking somewhere.

A couple years ago, a good sized Halibut was caught near Gibsons in the "gap". It was well over 100 pounds. Kinda wish they had let it go.
I read about a hatchery in California for Halibut. I believe they raise the California Halibut to a good size prior to release. It would be great if we could have something like that in BC for the more heavily fished areas (inshore waters).

I believe there is a hatchery in Eastern Canada for Atlantic Halibut. Does anyone know the difference between California, Pacific and Atlantic halibut? Anybody ever catch a California before? Supposedly their range extends into Southern BC.
Did some reading on this some years back.

Cali Hali are a sub-species of the Pacific Hali. Main difference is size. Cali's don't get as large. If I remember it right a 50lb. Cali is an excellent catch.

As for Atlantic, I've heard of this once before but I thought the guy was full of BS or was mistaking a flounder for a halibut???. My thinking is that Halibut are Pacific ocean critter's only...Like the lobster is only found out in the Atlantic ocean

Might have to do a google on this now... <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

Just e-mail wolf for all your hali questions he is the authority on halis on this board period!

Just Bring it!
Here's some info Pablo;

Pacific Halibut
Hippoglossus stenolepis

Description To 8'9" (2.7 m); 800 lbs (363 kg). Elongate, highly compressed, diamond-shaped, eyes on right side; eyed side dark brown with fine mottling, blind side pigmented, lighter brown. Snout moderately sharp; mouth medium-sized; double row of teeth in upper jaw sharp, conical; maxilla not extending beyond anterior edge of lower eye. Pelvic fins symmetrically placed; dorsal fin origin over middle of eye, longest soft rays of dorsal and anal fins at about middle of body; caudal fin slightly forked. Lateral line arched above pectoral fin; scales numerous, smooth.

Atlantic Halibut
Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Description To 10' (3 m). Diamond-shaped; tail fairly long, with emarginate tail fin. Eyes on right side. Eyed side dark chocolate to grayish olive, with irregular buffy blotches. Lateral line has distinct, moderate to strong arch in front. Continuous fringing dorsal and anal fins on sides of body. 75-107 dorsal fin rays. Head pointed; large mouth.

Habitat Sandy and gravelly bottoms, 200–3,000' (60-900 m) deep.

Range Atlantic Ocean from Labrador to Virginia.

Guess they got'm over there also. Bigger too.

My apologies to the person I thought was full of sh** last year.


Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Does anyone know how the Halibut fishing off Ucluelet is right now? I want to take a trip up to hopefuly hook into some Halibut, I just want to know when is a good time to go and where to go.


My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.
