I am glad this topic came up! I am seriously thinking about switching from my arrow style tips to the long pin style because of what happened this summer. I have caught lots of halibut over the years, but nothing large until this year.
We were fishing Big Bank and hooked into a big one. As it came to the surface I planted the harpoon into it and was surprised by its thickness. In fact, I had it put some extra effort into it to stick it all the way though the fish. It was a perfect shot, right behind the gill plate.
As soon as the fish figured out that it was stuck it took off like a fright train and pulled hard against the harpoon line. Which my 300 lbs buddy had a hold of. Water was splashing everywhere. This giant was skipping across the water and jumping like a salmon. God it was fun!
By this time in the battle the harpoon tip was the only thing holding the fish, the hooks had popped out. As it claimed down, I took some scissors and cut the gills.
The fish took some short blast but quickly gave up and was along side the boat. It was bleeding badly and out of energy so I decided to tie it off and get things situated in the boat for its arrival. The clean up only took a minute or two, but when I went to pull in the fish it was gone. The harpoon had pulled thought.
I figure it was an ocean swell that caused the tip to pull through.
For example: with the fish floating on the surface
the boat followed the downward motion of the swell which caused the line goes slack. The line followed the hole in the fish downward
and because of the weight of the harpoon tip, the tip turned vertical and pulled through with the upward motion of the swell.
I know NOW to tie the tail the off, but I think this can still happen fighting the fish with the small design of the arrow tip. What do you think?
P.S. My fishing partners give me a hard time now because I lost a fish that was bigger than me. I am only 5’ tall.