halibut fishing today

scott craven

Well-Known Member
We headed out to Constance bank chasing Halibut...
Count was 3 ratfish, 2 dogfish, 1 cabezon and 12 empty beer cans !;)
Lost 1 Hali around 30# at the boat due to leader malfunction, 2 good lings and numerous Woofers.

Definitly not as good as this time last year due to woofers, but the weather and suntanning on the back deck was well worth it! so were the ice cold Barley Malts! So much for fresh Alaskan Halibut Chowder. Another try maybe in October.

Maybe the Navy Boyz won't be Blasting the **** out of everything all day next time at Rocky Point[?] 12 Blasts total, the percussion hurt our ears and shook the boat on W Constance.
If you have the time, Swiftshore is going off for Halibut still. We bagged coho fishing on Sunday for a sure thing and went for some ground fish. It paid off. 1 hour, 8 Hali, 2 Ling. The Hali aren't big, (15-35) but they would still taste good in the chowder.
not too many guys admit to drinking 12 beer while on the water. may the water cops get you before you get me.... booze and boats do not mix.
I wish i had time for a run to Swiftsure! The boyz called me from the bank on the weekend and were arguing about who gets the rod while on the Cell Phone. "You get it, no you get it" Tough Huh! One boat near them hit 12 in an hour and boated a 115#. The Chickens are likely due for a much deserved rest as they have ben hammered on since May now!

Swiftsure Bank is an Offshore reference to where you can fish for Hali off SW Van Isl, Nitnat Lake. There is a large closure on the majority of the Bank itself.
Maddog, i think he's referring to us...

3 of us had 11 beers to be exact over a 5 hour trip
i would not call that dangerous consumption.:)