Halibut Fishing Tips

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hurston
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Wolf, i've heard of the tie strap and like the idea of the danforth.

My boat being only 17.5' has less freeboard then most so if my anchor gets tough to pull out and seas are nasty,, it only takes a millisecond to let go compared to letting go of the wheel with a knife in hand. We've all seen them go from 1' to 4' in minutes.
Larger boat, yea not neccessary but it just gives me that extra comfort.
"and a little 6 inch ball with a Big S/S caribener on that one which is about 30 ft from my scotsman and about 6 ft away from my bow with another 6 ft which then has my D clip so its all connected like on long rope"

Wolf, how do you disattach the little ball when you get a big one on when it's 6 feet in front of your boat. Do you motor it or???
You can motor up to it if you want I just walk alomg the side of my boat with the boat hook and pull it in and unclip leaving the little ball there while I walk back to the back drag the little piece of rope with me so its on the side of the boat when i reattach

here is the best and safest way to anchor when fishing for halbut, find your spot then drop an anchor, using the proper ratio of chain etc, attached a large scotchman,this is not attached to your boat. Now you tie to this floating anchor and having lots of swing room, there is no worries of tide rips or whetever. Remember you still need 300ft of good anchor rope. I have other ways but this is the safest way when starting out.
Vert true I think what it all comes down to is one thing safety!!!!The best thing to do is to go with someone who has done it lots before or hire a guide and let him show you I have lots of people hire me or my fellow guides for a "lesson" for the price of a charter it a cheap investment and you can ask lots of questions.

Hmm, Looks like my previous post was not up to par for the liking of some as it was deleted. So here goes my question for wolf again. Is it not easier to just run your tag line from the front of the boat to the rear cleat so you can just do a few wraps and then unwrap if need be? Most guides do this and it works. This can all be done from in the boat. It does not seem good advice for a beginner to walk down the side of the boat in chopy weather with a boat hook?

As mentioned by some before, Ask Island Outfitters or for advice on proper setup for your own boat. Each boat may require a bit different set up and there advice may be diffrent than of general nature of the advice on this thread...

Mods, Please do not delete this again, this is advice on a safety issue. I would hate to see an accident out there.
One problem I have is there is a wealth of information in this forum yet people find it hard to except that some of our members have been there done that and are trying to assist others but for some reason which is beyond me, certain members still would rather send them else where for advice. Which in my opinion is a slap in the face of sportfishingbc members taking the time to help others with tried tested and true ways of doing things. I agree that every boat is different but why not take some advice from those who have done it hundreds of times and have oviously come up with the safest and easiest option. Even with all the great advice given here on this thread I for one wouldn't even consider anchoring before being shown on a boat by some one expierenced because it is far to risky. I also want to point out I have learned alot of ways to better my fishing and boating from this forum and others without having to put in the years, money and numerous trips some members have endured to gain this information that they share for free.

Just A Opinion
Cheers ME
Ok walter Ill answer this for you I really dont need to ask outfitters on this I have been halibut fishing for almost 20 years now and over 10 of it professionally so please do not insult the safty of me or my boat I am more than safety minded on the water some say too much, enough said ok thanks .

What I wrote was what I DO, as for untieing the the bow to stern line I have done that also in a hurry,but I dont tie the rope to my stern its about 2/3 of the way back from my bow because as you know a corner of the boat will go down a lot guicker then the side try it on a dock stand on the far corner of your boat then the side see what it does !!!!! its also something I may only do maybe once or twice a year in the amount of trips I go on which is ALOT its a very small % of the times I have to do it.

AS you said before Walter every boat is different I do mine my way because its easier for ME! but it may not work for you thats why we all fish differently too some people may have a walk around boat what about them??? some 15 ft boat can probably reach the bow with a hook from the inside of the boat every boat is individual find what works best for your boats.

But heres a tip for you all make sure if you plan on using the "untieing from the Stern" system make sure on land that the bow to stern line is not too long run it under your boat on the trailor to see how far it goes. You dont want it to reach your prop because if you untie and run back to your scotsman and if its too long your going to go what the #$&! as the rope is wrapped around your leg.

Good luck Wolf

Edited by - wolf on 02/25/2006 12:20:54
Easy Wolfman don't get bent out of shape. Remember Walter is alittle older than you, so have some respect. He's also entitled too his opinion without it getting deleted. Mod have some respect !!!!

Tournament Proven !
No problem fins Im not bent of shape at all but when somebody has a negative thing to say towards me or friends of mine ill have to say something, as for the respect issue you earn respect its not given.

I see it two ways here, Wolf i am only asking why,Take it easy, Don't get upset with me.Im not exactly a schoolboy to the industry. Im sure it works for your application, all im stating is that there are other guides out there to offer advice.Island outfitters came to mind. They have three charter boats and they sell what they use in the field. What's is wrong with a second oppinion.

As for my origional post deleted, Im willing to accept a possible miss understanding by moderator, but it is in my oppinion that Island outfitters is not outside interest? Im enjoy the advice on this board but am sad to see my previous post and others deleted simply because i did not agree with Wolf and dared to question him. I beg my parden on this seemingly touchy topic. I will just read from now on or post else where with my thoughts. wish all a good day.
shame it had to turn this way.I've fished the waters of southern vancouver island and the gulf islands for 40 years and look forward to sharpening my skills by reading this board.I've learned a lot here.But when this happens it takes the fun out of it.
I'm logging off for now and going to my boat.<img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle>

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Seems to me if you say something snotty, you can't expect much in return. If you want respect, show some.

I really appreciate anyone who makes the effort to provide advice. If ten people have ten different ways of accomplishing the same thing, that's great. I'll listen to all ten ways and make an informed choice about what I want to do. I may even decide to rethink what I'm doing because I'm always willing to revisit old ideas in light of new ones: that's the way I learn and that's part of what makes life (and fishing and this form) interesting.

I really don't appreciate it when folks provide advice in a backhanded way that belittles those who may have differing points of views. It's not a competition guys, and at the end of the day you can choose to run your boat anyway you please. Right?

Amen <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Wow what a testy site, now we are into the philosophical "respect must be earned" ? , so what are we saying here that fishing for 40 plus years and still here to talk about it gets you no respect ?
Perhaps the poster of the question worded it the wrong way, I think that all should be mature enough to say " hey can't you pose your question in a different manner" , would that not calm the waters so to speak ?
When I was raised I was told to respect my elders and if in disagreement ask them in a manner of questioning to learn; not to automatically assume a superior stance or take offence for a differing opinion.
Those who will not listen are doomed to a life of only listening to themselves.
No one man is a repository of all infallible knowledge.

The above kind of confrontations are inimical to good relationships and I have been hesitant to speak up for what I think is a herd menatality in backing the picked few, sad situation when simple good manners on all parties parts would engender a flow of information benficial to all.

An old timer.

wow, seems some of you are losing the the whole idea behind
the forum....
lets talk fishing !
lots of different opinions, not all right, not all wrong
live and learn !

Were getting way to off base here. I think it was the way it was said that offend me personally and the mods it was sort of a two fisted slap in the face in a way. But thats ok its always good to argue/discuss but just dont make it personal which it came across as.
its hard to express an emotion when you write on here it can be interpeted in a wrong way as now demonstrated.
lets get back to fishing boys lets move past this and have fun just what it is intended for.

kudos scotty


Edited by - wolf on 02/25/2006 20:25:51
Red Monster quote:

"I really appreciate anyone who makes the effort to provide advice. If ten people have ten different ways of accomplishing the same thing, that's great. I'll listen to all ten ways and make an informed choice about what I want to do. I may even decide to rethink what I'm doing because I'm always willing to revisit old ideas in light of new ones: that's the way I learn and that's part of what makes life (and fishing and this form) interesting."

r.s craven quote:

"wow, seems some of you are losing the the whole idea behind
the forum....
lets talk fishing !
lots of different opinions, not all right, not all wrong
live and learn !"

Let's not get away from the above stated boys! We have a great thing here in this forum.
OK, so no more anchoring tips, lets just have and more Halibut fishing tips<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>
This anchoring for Halibut must be a SVI thing it's rare as popesh*t other places.Also anchoring over/around pinnacles in particular isn't for most people at all.
Personally I prefer to drift/use the motor to slow down a bit-safer and doesn't cause so many arguments <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>