Hailbut Poll # 1

He trying to find were fisherman a standing at.

Keep it up...
im not affiliated with anyone , im doin this ta try and help us see if there are options is all ,
sounds like a few guys are questioning it , thats cool i guess , im wingin it , but pretty sure when its all done , GWG and other guys helpin us all out , might see things a little different on here , see what happens ,

later fd
This is being brought up at all the local SFAC meetings. Attend and voice your opinion.
im not affiliated with anyone , im doin this ta try and help us see if there are options is all ,
sounds like a few guys are questioning it , thats cool i guess , im wingin it , but pretty sure when its all done , GWG and other guys helpin us all out , might see things a little different on here , see what happens ,

later fd

Thanks FD I do appreciate what you are trying to do and I think it might work.
So far it is 80% against the slot limit.
If this keeps up, this will be one tool off the table to reduce our harvest.
We may have to find another way because, make no mistake, we can not over harvest.

To answer the question of who is asking these questions, you need to remember last year.
DFO tasked SFAB with making a decision on the 2012 Halibut recreational rules.
This was done at the last minute and sent many scrambling to come up with an answer.
SFAB tasked the Halibut Working group to come up with plan.
A recommendation of 1 a day and 2 possession, 1 over and 1 under 83cm was made and then passed to DFO.
When local SFAC as well as the general angling community found out what happened they expressed concern.
SFAC Area 14 passed a motion to have this process open up to the local SFAC for debate.
As the new chair of local SFAC area 14 I am looking to the wider community for input and dialog.
I think this will help educate and inform our local angling community.
Perhaps we will all be on the same page when the rules come out this winter/spring.

So if you haven't voted ... get after it.

There will be no more halibut derbies should a max size limit be put in place. I think given the fact that I don't think annual limit or gifting will bring our harvest down much at all, the 1 over 1 under is all we have left.
With no data to suggest the slot had any impact whatsoever on the 2012 length of season, to refer to it as a harvest reduction tool is guess work at best. I don't believe the data isn't available if someone were to ask for it. In fact, I'm betting the data shows it was ineffective and that's why the data isn't being shared. The only proxy for data we have is the fact that the last two years the Canadian rec fishing sector has been allocated virtually the same amount of TAC and had virtually the same length of season. Given that 2011 there was no over under slot and 2012 there was, the default conclusion is that the slot had no measurable effect. If you add in the fact that the way the rec sector's harvest is measured - overflight counts and creel surveys, is one of the least accurate measures out there and thus has huge uncertainty and variability - the over/under slot did nothing for this year's rec season. I'm sure some on here will dispute this, to which I'll reply - then show me the data!!
This was a hard one. I would accept the 1 over 1 under limit if I didn't agree with any of the proposed alternatives. I can however think of some alternatives that I would prefer. Specifically an annual limit.

So assuming that the annual limit option will be on the table with a reasonable limit I choose in favor of other options.
With no data to suggest the slot had any impact whatsoever on the 2012 length of season, to refer to it as a harvest reduction tool is guess work at best. I don't believe the data isn't available if someone were to ask for it. In fact, I'm betting the data shows it was ineffective and that's why the data isn't being shared. The only proxy for data we have is the fact that the last two years the Canadian rec fishing sector has been allocated virtually the same amount of TAC and had virtually the same length of season. Given that 2011 there was no over under slot and 2012 there was, the default conclusion is that the slot had no measurable effect. If you add in the fact that the way the rec sector's harvest is measured - overflight counts and creel surveys, is one of the least accurate measures out there and thus has huge uncertainty and variability - the over/under slot did nothing for this year's rec season. I'm sure some on here will dispute this, to which I'll reply - then show me the data!!

Very good points to consider.
Personally all the guy's I have talked to said they were not affected by this rule.
I know I wasn't because we had plenty of people onboard when fishing.
Would the lodges and their clients run up against this rule?
Anyone that guided at one of the lodges like to add their results?
What about the charter guys did any of you guides run into this rule?

If no one actually had a reason to release a fish because of this rule then we could say it did not work.
UD can you tell us your experience with the rule?
Yearly limit with tags that must be attached to fish after its caught! I would pay for a Halibut stamp if I knew the money wasent going to DFO!

I'm sure FD will get around to this option so you might get a chance.
As for DFO not getting the money... rest assured that DFO won't see the money.
It will be spent by Ottawa for TV commercials about long ago wars and action plans for pipelines.
Sad state of affairs......
excellent reply GLG ,

without data , this slot is pointless,, your right , barely any fish were released i bet...legally i mean : )

i dont blame the guides and lodges for likin it ,i dont think the slot affected there buis... especially if it keeps there season open longer ,and there guests happy,,thers gotta be somthing ta work for them too..

sorry screwed the first question up , i meant one over , one under ...: )

i guess the question here is , more like , do you think that the slot size would be in the top 5 or so solutions ?? , but i definately want ta here more ideas , or NO CHANCE get rid of it !!

several more polls ta come

I think this pole is well intended and FD I agree that a clear and easy to understand pole is the best way to see public opinion.

I chose to reply with a quote to your post because as you say here the question on the pole is a little miss worded and I hope people are getting the actual question here.

I think what the sfab and the working group need here is more than a clear and decisive voice telling them that we do not want the slot. I think every one of us will agree that we do not like the slot regardless of how we vote on this pole.

I voted yes on the question that FD asked.
"do you think that the slot size would be in the top 5 or so solutions ?? , but i definately want ta here more ideas" My answer=yes,However I do not like the slot one bit. It in fact has a direct affect on the way I fish Halibut. Out of the approximately 17-20 Hali that have hit the deck of my boat over the past 3 years.(spread out amongst 8 anglers Correction 10 anglers ) only 3 have been in the under side of the slot. So in essence the slot makes me fish at 1 and 1 or burn a bunch more fuel and head to different locations and fishing style to get the second smaller fish the next day. That said I still say "yes I do you think that the slot size would be in the top 5 or so solutions ?? , but i definately want ta here more ideas.

FD I am not trying to take away from what you are doing here. I absolutely think you are on to a good thing here. I just wonder if a pole listing all choices to date and giving everyone the choice to vote on their top five choices in order of preference would be better serving to the task at hand? Not sure how new suggestions that may come along the way would be added? That said I would have no idea of how to create that so you are still 1 up on me from the get go Dude.
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its called bumpin lol..

last time i checked ,90% of the boats spending there $$$ chasing Halibut , were sportin BC numbers on there hulls,
funny , most guys here thanked me for doin this , didnt ya just say on another thread that you werent gonna get involved in the bs ?? then dont , step back ,no one else is bitchin about it , actually looks quite successful ,

might be a usefull tool in a month or 2 for some.....

I wonder why only the area 14 SFAC is apart of this and listening.... I know the answer, but i would be funny to hear from other SFAC's

Im for NO slot 1 fish limit of 2 any size the system is soooo flawed and high grading happens and a annual limit but that would never happen it seems...
people coming from all over the world and mostly canada come to halibut fish them taking there "2" isnt hurting and the money these people bring is HUGE!!!!!its the guys who are residents who are out every chance they get and take MANY MANY of them , ive said it before way back met a guy who "BRAGGED" to me he got over 70 halibut off victoria a few years back.
BTW i know of a few guys off of sooke who personally took over 20 + halibut this year and they fish mostly by themselves ive seen it with my own eyes and they brought back more than just 1 per day....

limiting is only going to hurt those guys who live on the coast fishing them NOT the tourists that come here... and thats a fact!!!!
i agree %100 wolf ,
my thing is , in area 123 , it doesnt get hammered by the same people or locals over and over, its mostly do it your-selfers that take very few fish annually , i dont know anyone that bonked 10 fish over here , i could easily live with 5 a year for now,, how many do we really need , stop giving it all away lol..


Very good points to consider.
Personally all the guy's I have talked to said they were not affected by this rule.
I know I wasn't because we had plenty of people onboard when fishing.
Would the lodges and their clients run up against this rule?
Anyone that guided at one of the lodges like to add their results?
What about the charter guys did any of you guides run into this rule?

If no one actually had a reason to release a fish because of this rule then we could say it did not work.
UD can you tell us your experience with the rule?

I do not know of anyone that had to release a fish because of this., However I do know lots of people that didnt fish hali after the first day of thier trip because they landed a decent one on the first day, where with out it they definitely would have continued to fish
wow , relax man , its just a poll , im not tryin ta change the world here ,
just tryin ta let the higher powers see some ideas and numbers ,
if its usefull for them great , if not , oh well , i did somthin....

im not worried , i will get my halibut next year , would be nice ta bring 2 home per trip , NOT 1


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