Great fishing in Tofino

You love the diaper jokes eh pippi.. I may have worn one more recently but you will be wearing one sooner than me old man, maybe finally then you will start allowing me to set the hooks for you in kyuquot before passing the rod over as you stew in your warm mess...'ll still be in your crib sleeping.

I am a spry 42.....,I have seen how you handle your liquor, me thinks you'll be asked into a diaper before I need one.
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Turning the Tofino fishing thread into a discussion about who needs diapers and who doesn't!?
These kind of intellectual debates used to be reserved for the winter months, but I guess now it is all year :confused:
Tofino deserves better me thinks.

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Enniberg......this isn't "the" Tofino thread. ;)

If we need an official one I will start it next Thursday upon my return home.