Gearing Up

i generally use the 5 inch coyote's...sometimes the 4 inch ones ....but almost all the time im fishing weather its in the inlet or down in barkleysound im usually always rolling chove's....cant beat em!! learn your roll's though some werk better then others
only time i use spoons is when im into an area where have makeral in it.....they pissed me off last year in bloodbay one day couldent even get my bait down on the downrigger......they didnt seem to mess with the 5 inch spoons n plugs though...
We didn't see any mackel last year in Washington or up on Swiftsure. Where is blood bay? We did have the dog fish hit the spoon at swiftsure which seemed to never happen before. We ended up going with plugs where they did not seen to like.


joseph battaglino
its the bay right near pill point....there's lots of makeral on the inside caught lots this past season kids were catchin them off the dock at the marina i moore my boat at in the alberni harbour... they had buckets full n had only been there for an hour.....

I remember 6 or 7 years ago the mackrel came in and really screwed up the salmon run by eating all the fry. I hope it dosen't happen agian. The damn warm water brings them in. I know they where catching a lot of Albacore last year off the Washington coast they got within 7 miles at one point. Before you know it we will be fishing for tuna a marlin and all the salmon will be gone.

We are planning to come up to alberni at the end of August it is such a great fishing area.

hey steelieman you sure those werent pilchards?

dunno if you've seen them and mackerel side by side but they look somewhat similiar and i know they frequent the inlet and sound in the summer...never heard of any mackerel there last year and i spent a lot of time in that area.
im not saying this to make the area look good....but i think its one of the better fishing areas on the island in august you just gotta run the boat for 5 minutes n you can limit on chromer chinook's....ive got some little tricks for the inlet <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>...if you plan on commin up forsure...i could show you acouple tricks n show you where the hotspots are cause im out on the chuck/inlet almost everyday in the summer........

I'll take you up on the steely but what is it going to cost me?:) We have always done pretty well at alberni but I always seem to be netting the big one and someone else on the boat is reeling it in. My daughter has had 10 over 30# and my wife 2 and I have only caught one in the last 8 years. I think they are just quicker to the rod and they both always out fish me. I took my wife up there about 8 years ago for the first time and she caught a 43# 15 minutes after we left China Creek. I do love the area. I would love to purchase a little cabin up there just have to convice her. Take care.
Tight lines and sharp hooks.


joseph battaglino
the cost.......ur boat nothing cause its yours.....if nething id bring the doughtnuts n diet cokes<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> and my boat...well wouldent cost you nothin cause id be going out fishn neways lol...

cheers steelyman
My boat and I'll bring the food you can play guide. I have to see when we are going to be up there I am debating if we are going to make one or two trip to Alberni in August or September. Do you fish for sockie in July? I use to come up for that and that was a blast. I will keep in touch. Thanks Steeley
well spoted some really early sockeye jumpn at the bridge yesterday...2 more months n the games begin!! time get out them 3.5 yote spoons!

cheers steelyman